I have a confusing predicament?


Hi guys, I have an odd predicament that I must ask you about. About 2 weeks ago I got a piece of LR with some Leather coral on it, the coral is doing fine, except one has like a majano or some type of zoo imbedded and growing on one of the leathers! They are about an inch or two high and seem to be doing good, what should I do about this small imbedded creature? How can I remove it w/o hurting the coral?


Active Member
Is this actually growing on the leather or on the rock? If it's actually on the leather, a picture is neccessary for an ID.


yeah its actually on the leather which I find odd :notsure: . Hmm I'll try to post a pic, lemme get one for ya bigarn


here it is:

the brown spot is the majano anem, or some sort of zoo, it closes like a zoo, but it looks like a majano


I tried to, but it keeps coming out blurry :notsure: . I keep thinking its my hand shaking or something but I have others in my tank, maybe I can shoot one of those? Its a brown thing that has little tentacles and a lime green center in it, but it doesn't look like it'd be a zoo