i have a good general question!!!


Staff member
Any behavior that deviates from the norm of how the fish behaves.


Staff member
You post all the info that concerns you here, and then we'll tell you whether you have a problem or not. :D
Basically, look of health, eating, swiming, breathing, etc. So much to consider, combination of various things.
Are you having a problem with a new fish?


New Member
I am not sure if I am putting this in the right spot, but this is my first time on this forum. I have a 26 gal tank and a blue damsel in distress. I came home and she is laying at the bottom of the tank, she is still alive but is having a hard time breathing. she will swim if I try to net her. My clown died 2 weeks ago and the yellow tang died about 3 weeks ago. The levels in the tank are reading normal. I just bought a skimmer for the tank last night(seaclone 100), I don't think this stressed her out but I guess it may have. I also have a chocolate chip star fish, a peppermint shrimp, a snail, 3 aneomes and a hermit crab. They are all doing fine, can anyone help me figure out what is wrong with my fish? Please and thank you!
P.S if I entered this in the wrong spot could someone let me know the procedure.