I have a mandarin, and ich.


New Member
I just got an outbreak of ick, I dont know how, there's been no new additions. I dont understand. So I moved all of my fish excluding one mandarin goby and a flame angel to a hospital that I am treating with hypo. I am really weary about putting the mandarin in there as he has special food requirements that he gets from my live rock in my display tank.
The flame and the mandarin are not showing any symptoms of ich, and seem to be chilling out and happy :) . I am planning on moving the flame into the hospital,- but what about the mandarin, does he have to move? And if so, how can I get a food source for him.


Staff member
I know what you mean about the mandarin, but you are risking reinfection if you don't treat all fish...and, the manderian is likely to come down with it anyway.

cap'n pete

Definately move all the fish. How long are you planning to keep the fish out of the main tank? Make sure it's long enough for the ich to cycle a couple of times without any hosts so it will be gone for good. You may think about raising the main tank temp to 82 if it's not alraedy there to speed up the process.


I have a question. Evryone here says ich is a parasite that cycles out with no hosts but if there are hosts you cant get rid of it.
My question is. If this is gospel then there is no way possible for ich to be in your tank if there have been no new additions in what 3 months or so? I am confused. Someone who knows what they are talking about. (beth) pls explain.

john f

Wicked clown,
You might try feeding the mandarin flying fish eggs while in the treatment tank. I have heard some people had luck getting mandarinfish to take these. You can get them from anyplace that sells sushi.
Also, If you could set up a small 10 gallon tank tank just for the mandarin and treat with hypo, there are companies that sell live copepod cultures. You could also use these. I agree ALL of the fish in the display tank need to be removed. But the mandarinfish will not survive in a Q-tank with competitors for food.
Get him a seperate tank and you are good to go.