wish i could, but my van is a gass hog, and it cost me 65 to fill it up for the week. you could come here
I'll find out cost for shipping shouldnt be more the 4 dollars.
or, i could pay shipping to you, and you could send my thermos back with a goodie in it. :joy:
If its not much maybe I can just swap you a little frag of something since you're close =c) If not i'll gladly send you a 4 dollar check.. lol.
Where are you close to? I am not that familiar with your city name.. im close enough to Tampa.
i am about 150 miles south of tampa. next to ft. myers.
as i said above, kinda added it. if you want, i can mail it to you, and you can mail my thermos back with a little goodie in it. nothing fancy, just a goodie to add to my tank :happyfish
Yeah i'll gladly do that.. im pretty tired.. I musta missed that part after the 4 dollars.. heh.
No way im driving 150 miles from Tampa to see you =c) sorry! Im sure you're a great person and all.. but you're not worth the 5.... grand i'd have to bring with me for gas lol.
My email (my moms email which I have stolen from her) is gmcbobbie@yahoo.com
I hear ya on the gas. 2.71 a gal here. we are about 15 miles from where the eye of charlie hit last yr. hehe. and i stay in my house. my e-mail is m0m24@esrthlink.net. I'll e-mail to get your address.