*I have a question about live rock*


sarah fair

OK well here is the deal...I need to set up my 55 gallon tank asap buuuuuuuuuuut i have a 6 month old baby so i cant just go and spend my whole check on LR..Ya know? So i was wondering if i can add LR gradually while the tank cycles for a few weeks? I know this is a BMW kinda hobby so please dont say anything about that..i find it offensive really..


ARe you going to go ahead an add fish before you add the live rock. If you do, you will want to cure the live rock before you put it in your tank, unless you buy it at the LFS and it doesn't sit out of the water very long. I had a fish only tank for about a year before I added live rock. The live rock just adds a place for the benifical bacteria to grow. It also privide a place for grazing fish such as tangs to pick out algae, and it can be a place for pods to grow and hide. It will definately help your tank out.


Active Member
once you add your initial rock let the cycle complete itself then you can add cured rock later on (either cured by you or at a local pet store). I wouldn't recommend adding a whole bunch at once after the tank cycles though. I started with 10lbs and added about 10lbs at a time. I however didn't add any until the tank was already cycled. I wouldn't reccomend adding live rock during the tanks cycle as you suggested.

sarah fair

Ok thats great to know..i can add just like 10lbs befor it cycles and after that add another 10 lbs ever 2 weeks or so? Am I right?


Active Member
Another cost saving tip is to use some baserock, I like a ratio of 50% baserock and 50% LR, get a good lightweight porus rock.
I like tuffa rock the best, but lace rock would be fine if you cannot find anything else.
You can add LR at any time, just be sure you only add a small amount at a time and be sure it is fully cured.


how about making your own live rock
. Buy a few pieces od real live rock to seed and cycle the tanks, and make the rest. There are a few good posts on DIY live rock and also online if you search for it. It fun, easy, and cheap. You will spend like $20.00 and be able to make more than enough rock.
If you make the rock now, while your tank cycles, which could take 6 weeks, by week 8 you could add the DIY live rock. The reason for the 8 week delay is becasue the DIY live rock needs to cure in fresh water. Read about it, and all your questions will be answered

sarah fair

GREAT IDEA! Cheap is sometimes the best way to go! lol...i tried to ask someone if you could do it and they said no..but i guess i asked the wrong way..? oh well i know now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dingo0722
how about making your own live rock
. Buy a few pieces od real live rock to seed and cycle the tanks, and make the rest. There are a few good posts on DIY live rock and also online if you search for it. It fun, easy, and cheap. You will spend like $20.00 and be able to make more than enough rock.
If you make the rock now, while your tank cycles, which could take 6 weeks, by week 8 you could add the DIY live rock. The reason for the 8 week delay is becasue the DIY live rock needs to cure in fresh water. Read about it, and all your questions will be answered
Man, I wish I had known that at first. I spent about 500 bucks on LR.