I have a question about Nitrite.


I noticed that everyone on here lists there parameters as follows:
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
My test kit measures in mg/l and my Ammonia is 0, but my Nitrites are at 0.3 mg/l. Is this what most people consider 0 Nitrites or would the .3 also not be desirable. I have always thought that anything under the 1.6 mark was good on Nitrites, but noticed how everyone had written "0" and was just wondering if the 0.3 would be considered 0, or if they mean flat out 0.


ammonia ---- most toxic should always read 0
nitrite---- a little less toxic but still toxic should always read 0

least toxic and should be kept to a minimum.
ammmonia is broke down to nitrite and nitrite is broke down to nitrate,
so if you are showing nitrite then you had some ammonia that is being broke down into nitrite.
how old are you test kits. I would also take a sample to the LFS for a second oppinion so to speak.


Active Member
Both ammonia and nitrite should be zero in an established tank.
0.3 mg/l is not considered 0.0 mg/l
What test kits are you using ?
How long has your tank been set up / cycled ?


Thank you.
This tank has been cycled for about 7 months now, but I did just have 2 cleaner shrimp get eaten by my CBS, so maybe it spiked it a little, and is still showing a little on the nitrite. I got one out, but couldn't find the other.
I'm using a Tetra test kit. I think they are pretty crappy anyway, and won't be buying anything else from them due to their idiot rep. the put on the early show. What kit do you suggest? Do most measure in mg/l?
I'll check it again in a few days, but was just wondering the deal on the .3