I have a Question about supplements for my Plants.


New Member
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out? I have the following plants in my 10 Gallon refugium tank: Grape caulerpa, brillo algae, sea lettuce, Red Gracilaria, Fucus Kelp, Shaving Brush, and Blade plants. They all seem to be doing well, some growing faster then others. I have 2 compact bulbs, 1 is the atinic 03 and the other is the 1000K daylight. Would I or Should I use any kind of supplements (Iron/calcium) for these plants at all?


Active Member
Marine plants and macroalgae, are organisms that are incredibly efficient at drawing nutrients out of the water. No supplementation is really necessary in my opinion. Also, adding supplements to a fuge is sort of self-defeating as the fuge is there to draw excess nutrients out of the tank.


New Member
I see, well I just thought that maybe not adding supplement is not enough for the plants. I assumed that they may need an extra boost of iron/calcium. But if you think that the refugium is self maintained then buying supplements would be a waste of money in your opinion?


Active Member
Well, IMO, you should be keeping a proper calcium level regardless. If you are doing that then good deal (of course also alkalinity is important). But Iron I would be wary of adding. The purpose of a refugium in part is to grow macroalgae to export nitrates, a fertilizer derived from animals and waste. I wouldn't personally spend money to make the algae grow faster just so you have to harvest and throw it out faster. I suppose that if you are trading it in for credit maybe but I am wary of overdosing iron into a system, personally. Just keep up on water changes, and watch that your calcium is within normal range.