I have a question on Hypo


Active Member
I am trying to figure this out...
I should be able to but...
If my tank is in hypo and I want to keep the salinity at 1.009 it's just like normal and I just add fresh evaporated water. Make sure I keep it topped off because the evaporated water will bring the salinity up...
isn't this right?


Active Member
Yes, when you reach treatment levels with hypo, it's best to mark the water level in the tank or sump and top off often with RODI water to keep it at the mark. Going even up to 1.010 is enough to make the treatment less effective.


Active Member
No. This is more or less akin to saying that if a turkey takes 4 hours at 300 degrees in an oven you can cook it in 2 hours at 600.
1.008 is endangering the life of the fish, because just as it can go too high if you let too much evaporate, you can get too low if you accidentally overtop.
1.009 is where you want to be as there is "some give" on both the high and low side, which will happen inevitably as you top off the tank.
It's really all pretty easy provided you have an accurate means of testing the salinity. As long as you have a good refractometer and top off daily, you should have no trouble at all. Just remember the two key things... bring the salinity down to 1.009 fast, in about a day, and bring it back up when done slowly, over about a week.


Active Member
wow i'm glad i didn't do it.
didn't know .001 could make such a difference
I have a refractometer but I will be gone for 5 weeks and someone will be taking care of my tank i guess I will have to train them well on top offs....
I started to bring it down more slowly than a day... is this not okay?


Originally Posted by fish1031
wow i'm glad i didn't do it.
didn't know .001 could make such a difference
I have a refractometer but I will be gone for 5 weeks and someone will be taking care of my tank i guess I will have to train them well on top offs....
I started to bring it down more slowly than a day... is this not okay?
48 hours is the usual.


Originally Posted by fish1031
what if you take longer?
If you take longer then you will give the ich a chance to adapt to the lower SG. You have done hypo before, did you take longer than 48hrs last time? What are you putting into hypo?


Active Member
no... but i did this time i have been taking way longer.... ahhh... its at 1.014 now
should i just do 1 big one tomorrow and leave it there the 5 weeks im gone?


Originally Posted by fish1031
no... but i did this time i have been taking way longer.... ahhh... its at 1.014 now
should i just do 1 big one tomorrow and leave it there the 5 weeks im gone?
What fish is in hypo? If you have brought it down that slow then the ich is now acclimated into the lower salinity. What is going on? What fish is this?


Active Member
I guess you don't remember:
Originally Posted by fish1031
well all has been good and I hadn't noticed anything or added anything and all the sudden I see ick on my trigger again. I am leaving town for 5 weeks and want to leave the tank in hypo while I am away.
Make sure you have an auto top off. If the SG goes above 1.009 the ich can re-attatch.


Originally Posted by fish1031
I guess you don't remember:
Originally Posted by fish1031
well all has been good and I hadn't noticed anything or added anything and all the sudden I see ick on my trigger again. I am leaving town for 5 weeks and want to leave the tank in hypo while I am away.
Make sure you have an auto top off. If the SG goes above 1.009 the ich can re-attatch.
Yeah, I remember that. I also remember it being awhile ago. You still have ich from when you did hypo a few months ago? Why did you not bring this up when we talked about the new fish you want to add? I thought that this issue was long over with. The trigger is just going into hypo now? Has he been in with other fish?


Active Member
yeah woah we must have been mixed up.
I posted that last week.
I did hypo in Feb-Mar and then it has been fine
then I lost my naso and blue tang- remember? in late mar and apr
all was well in may
i haven't added anything since
i just saw ick on the trigger around the first of this month... not bad. but def. ick again.
when we talked about the puffer i was asking if I could add him and then start hypo because he is too large to QT.
Yes the trigger and the wrasse are in hypo in the 180 w/o the LR
they have both been in the 180 since Jan now.


Originally Posted by fish1031
yeah woah we must have been mixed up.
I posted that last week.
I did hypo in Feb-Mar and then it has been fine
then I lost my naso and blue tang- remember? in late mar and apr
all was well in may
i haven't added anything since
i just saw ick on the trigger around the first of this month... not bad. but def. ick again.
when we talked about the puffer i was asking if I could add him and then start hypo because he is too large to QT.
Yes the trigger and the wrasse are in hypo in the 180 w/o the LR
they have both been in the 180 since Jan now.
Ok, yes I recall all of that but forgot about the ick on the trigger again. You can add the puffer to the hypo water if you set up a bucket for 2 days for him to be acclimated in. I realy do not like the idea of you doing anything just before you go away. I did not realize that this puffer is 12" I thought you said that you were looking for one that is 4". That is a huge fish. You are maxing out your tank with that large of a fish for quite some time. Forget about the other fish you want until you get a much larger tank. You have a 210 now? Please forgive me. It becomes difficult at times to keep everyone's tank history streight. What sized tank is your display if the 180 is still in hypo?


Active Member
I know it is huge but it is awesome I would be willing to wait to add any more fish (maybe 1) before I get a bigger tank then.
I said my lunare was 4" pinktail 6"
this mappa is 12"
want a 6" sohal and 6-8" queen
I have a 180 now that is the display
sorry about the confusion
the 180 DT was in hypo in feb-mar
it has been normal in apr-may
i started to lower the salinity last week when I did my water change because I saw ick again so I just added fresh water
now i have been adding 5g of fresh water everyday
i don't lik ethe idea of doing it while I am gone either but what should I do.
It is only the trigger with very minor ick that comes and goes but I want to get rid of it before I get the puffer around Aug 1st


Originally Posted by fish1031
I know it is huge but it is awesome I would be willing to wait to add any more fish (maybe 1) before I get a bigger tank then.
I said my lunare was 4" pinktail 6"
this mappa is 12"
want a 6" sohal and 6-8" queen
I have a 180 now that is the display
sorry about the confusion
the 180 DT was in hypo in feb-mar
it has been normal in apr-may
i started to lower the salinity last week when I did my water change because I saw ick again so I just added fresh water
now i have been adding 5g of fresh water everyday
i don't lik ethe idea of doing it while I am gone either but what should I do.
It is only the trigger with very minor ick that comes and goes but I want to get rid of it before I get the puffer around Aug 1st
Where is all of your LR? You are lowering the display correct?


Active Member
wow! I guess i did say that.
Sorry I guess its me losing my mind...
I bet what i meant, unless I was not typing right that if I wasn't going to get the one from my friend I would get a much smaller one