i have a question on mandarins how hard are they to take care of and do they release poisonous toxins sometimes when stressed and how often do they need to be feed
They are extremely difficult to care for, and they themselves dictate how often they eat, since they only eat pods off of your live rock. Definitely not for aggressive tanks or tanks without at least 1.5 lbs of live rock per gallon. Also, mandarins need to be added to only extremely established tanks. Having a refugium with a large pod population is almost an essential as well.
Originally Posted by surfinusa
so they arent a good idea at all what is their survival rate and could people tell me their excperiences with them
No, unless you have the perfect tank for them, it is not a good idea at all.
the poisen the let off can kill them in the bag when bringing them home if they get to stressed out. but not really enought to kill a fish unless eaten. but you dont need to worry about ich with them though thats a plus
yeah exactly. The ultimate picture is that these guys are problematic fish for most people and should be carefully selected by people who have the proper tank for them. Proper tank includes:
-lightly stocked tank
-1.5 lbs. of live rock per gallon (at least)
-refugium with copepods
-established tank of at least 8-12 months
If you don't have those things, avoid the fish and find an alternative that is a bit more hardy and does not have difficult needs to meet.