I have a question on my protien skimmer

i have an older protien skimmer that my uncle gave me and it has a line in it for an air pump to go on it and it has an airstone and it also has a place for a pump to attach on to it with a line and i'm looking to set this up before i put any fish in it so does anyone have a pic of how to set one up or anything?
Thanx in advance

mr . salty

Active Member
Although I have no idea what kind of skimmer this is,I would reccomend getting a small low power pumpto run it.I would also use a wooden air blockinstead of a stone.They give alot more,and smaller bubbles..Lastly,,There is no need to set it up untill there are fish in the tank.A skimmer will not work if there is nothing to skim...

mr . salty

Active Member
After looking at your other post,This skimmer does NOT require a pumpat all..The bubbles themselves draw the water through the chamber...
Hi Mr. Salty , when you say doesn't need a pump at all other than the air pump how does it work? and how do i mount it on the tank ir inside the tank??? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
<a href="http://www.**************.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=6&pCatId=4401" target="_blank">http://www.**************.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=6&pCatId=4401</a> my protein skimmer^^^^


New Member
Hey mister VETTE i have the same skimmer hook the lower port to an power head and place it in tank the middle way down in your water and then the upper port is an waste gate to where ever you want it to drain into and of course the top lid put an pump and line with regulator and start skimming .... i have the same one on my 125 g. and works very well.....
hi O-Mickey, what power head do you use under gravel, one that sticks to the tank or what? and what's the name and modle make of it? and mine doesn't has a lid to it (uncle lost it long time ago)