I have a SAND question.


I've done a lot of research on this lately but here is my dilemma.
I have a 90g fish only tank. I was advised by the LFS that i purchased everything from to buy bagged sand "dead sand". Later finding out that it would become "live sand" over a time.
My sand was white to begin with, after about two weeks is beginning to turn brownish, orange?
Is that it becoming live?
If not what could it be?
And what do i need to look for when it DOES become live?
Another note...my tank has been through it's full biological cycle i'm guessing because my nitrites and nitrates both have went from "extreme" - "ideal" on my test strip. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not just trying to give as much detail as possible.
Thanks in advance for any help you may possibly have.


Active Member
the brownish color could be algae. every new tank will go through it. all sand or rock will become live overtime. it usually takes about 1-2 months b4 it happens


hmm ok. well does this sound like good or bad algae to you? the only fish i have that would possibly eat it other than my cleaner shrimp would be my bi-color dwarf angel and my yellow tang...but i will try to take a picture now because i'm worried if it is algae or not being that my wrasse sleeps in the sand bed and what not.



Originally Posted by Rdub62
Another note...my tank has been through it's full biological cycle i'm guessing because my nitrites and nitrates both have went from "extreme" - "ideal" on my test strip
. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not just trying to give as much detail as possible.
Thanks in advance for any help you may possibly have.

I know this was not the question, but I suggest you use drops instead of test strips.
Test strips are generally considered unreliable.


That brown stuff is probably just diatoms which means your tank has cycled. Just add your clean up crew and do a water change.


it wound up being a type of algae.
my tang, angel, cleaner shrimp, purple lobster, and file fish all ate most of it. and i took a sample to LFS and was told it was safe so i'm not worried thanks for the feed back though.
and no it looked like dust on a brown shelf. much lighter than that picture. ^^