I have a small purple sack


Hello everyone.
I bought some stuff to put in my INVERT tank from a few fish stores recently.
I got a mix of rubble, liverock, shells etc to liven up my tank for my little buddies to search around and sift through. (When the tank cycles, I have nothing in it as of now, except for live rock, live sand, and crushed coral.
Well like the title say, today I came home from work, and noticed that I have a few small purple sacks, about 3mm-6mm, growing from the dead coral that I bought to put in my tank.
The coral it is growing from is the kind that has a bunch of plates in a circle/oval that are really really sharp (I cut myself).
They seem to be sprouting up in a few places, I wondered if anyone knows what they are?
Tank has been running for about 5 days. That particular peice of coral, 3days.


Active Member
Sounds like it might be a piece of bubble coral. Place in medium lighting with little or no water flow on it. If your cycle is spiking some bad numbers you may ask you LFS to hold that piece for you until your cycle completes. If you numbers are doing good and the bubbles continue to expand look for small feeder tentacle toward the end of your lighting cycle or after lights out. If those tentacles are present offer some mysis shrimp with a turkey baster or something and it may feed. This will help it's healing and promote growth.
Good Luck and keep us up to date on it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jumpfrog
Sounds like it might be a piece of bubble coral. Place in medium lighting with little or no water flow on it. If your cycle is spiking some bad numbers you may ask you LFS to hold that piece for you until your cycle completes. If you numbers are doing good and the bubbles continue to expand look for small feeder tentacle toward the end of your lighting cycle or after lights out. If those tentacles are present offer some mysis shrimp with a turkey baster or something and it may feed. This will help it's healing and promote growth.
Good Luck and keep us up to date on it.
I don't think it's a bubble coral if it's a dead coral piece. Was it dry when you purchased it? If it is, no way it can be a bubble. :happyfish


Working on a picture, have to borrow a digi camera.
The coral was out of one of the display tanks at the fish store.
And If I need to transfer it while this cycles, I have another tank.
I'm very excited, a differant peice of liverock I picked out has FEATHER DUSTERS in it..
I love saltwater tanks.. they rock.


I'm sorry, but I had to do it.....
A thread titled "I have a small purple sack" and the last reply was by "Salty Cheese"? :hilarious C'mon, thats funny
It may be sophomoric humor, but its still funny to me. Unfortunately I cannot offer any advice on the subject but at least I'm bumping your thread.


??? Why is that funny?
Anyway, I looked both up, and it doesnt seem to be valonia algae, or bubble coral.
I should be getting pics today, so I'll update then.


Originally Posted by gordie9
"I have a small purple sack".......
It may be sophomoric humor, but its still funny to me.
I am so glad to know I am not the only twisted mind who thought of that...
Just&ash, I can think of a few different purple sacs and a few different things that would cut you but none that are both, unless you meant the coral skeleton cut you and the purple sac is on that...


is the piece flat, if it is it sounds like maybe it is a dead plate coral that is putting off babies..Only thing I can come up with..


We went to the local fish store today and I saw some Bubble coral growing on the skeleton of a plate coral, So that is what is in our tank they said for us to feed it bio-plankton so hopefully it will get bigger !! We also bought a lawn mower Blenny it is so cute ashley thinks that they have a connection so she made me buy it.


Heres a blurry picture, those two blobs are the things with the bubbles, can anyone identify these.. (sorry)


Active Member
Originally Posted by just&ash
Heres a blurry picture, those two blobs are the things with the bubbles, can anyone identify these.. (sorry)
It's too blurry to tell. It looks like a tentacle plate coral somehow from what I can see. Look up pictures of it on this site in the coral's section and look at the pic of the long tentacle plate coral. Bubble Coral don't have white tips... :happyfish


Active Member
Also, when a plate coral dies, it sometimes generate some little ones around their edges as offspring. :happyfish