I have a snail problem


I am having problems with snails. I have turbo snails in my 75 gal reef tank They will live for about a month or two then fall off the live rock onto there shells and die. My salt is 1.23 and the tank temp is 76-78. There is nothing that is eating them. any Ideas?


Active Member
are you sure they are dieing? mine fall off all the time and will come out when they want to. Sometimes they wont move for hours.


Active Member
Your Specific Gravity should be 1.026 not 1.023 (which I assume you meant). Inverts need full strength sea water. Your temp is also low... 79-80 would be better. What is your pH? How do you acclimate these snails when you get them home?


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Your Specific Gravity should be 1.026 not 1.023 (which I assume you meant). Inverts need full strength sea water. Your temp is also low... 79-80 would be better. What is your pH? How do you acclimate these snails when you get them home?
Though I do agree warmer temps make snails more lively I would freak if my tank hit 80 degrees! I run a constant 77 in my system and have for years.
I run my system at 1.026 or 35ppt.
You might want to check your PH swings. Take a nightime reading vs a morning reading to see what the difference in your PH is. Snails do not tollerate huge PH shifts.


Active Member
I agree with Wax, 1.023 is to low for your snails and the temp I would bump up slightly too. They are dying a slow death. Do you have alot of hermits? They like to snack on snails to. ***)


Active Member
Razor: Salinity of 35 Parts Per Thousand (I assume that's what you meant) is 1.026 SG not 1.022.


Active Member
i thought i read somewhere that if a certain snail falls off a rock onto its backside, it cant get itself into the right position and thats how it dies. maybe this will help.


Active Member
Certainly true with astreas. They can't right themselves. Also, make sure your snail population doesn't exceed food source. I'm sure you acclimated slowly.
I usually take 2 to 3 hours on inverts (shrimp, crab, snails), never had a problem doing it that way.


Active Member
Certainly true with astreas. They can't right themselves. Also, make sure your snail population doesn't exceed food source. I'm sure you acclimated slowly.
I usually take 2 to 3 hours on inverts (shrimp, crab, snails), never had a problem doing it that way.
Good Luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Razor: Salinity of 35 Parts Per Thousand (I assume that's what you meant) is 1.026 SG not 1.022.
Thanks Wax. I dont use the 1.xxx scale since I dont have a plastic hydro tester. So we were saying the same thing on the Salinity :)
Fixed my original post