I Have A Tank!! And I Have A Problem!! :(

Hey everyone.
I got myself a 55-gallon used tank from someone on craigslist along with a stand and all his crap. Some of it's still good to use, others are not. But that's not the point of this thread...
Right now we have the tank sitting empty in my living room along with the stand and other things. 'Fine,' you say, 'so start filling it up.' This is the problem however. We're going to be redoing my living room (new floors, etc) some time in the next couple months and there's no way I'm going to fill up the tank with 450 lbs of water and then more of gravel/sand/rock, because when that happens the fish tank 'aint moving anymore.
All the info about the saltwater tanks says you have to wait a few months to get your water right before putting the fish in. Therefore, I'm going to have precious time wasting by not being able to fill up the tank right now.
I've considered bringing the tank to my basement and maybe filling it up with some water to get the process moving before relocating it back to its home in the living room, then emptying it all into little buckets, then putting the tank back in the living room and pouring the water back in it.
If anyone has some input on this, or has better ideas, help would be appreciated. I figure that I might as well try to make use of the next couple months so they're not completely wasted. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member

Just wait until the floors are done....if you break down the tank to move it there are all kinds of issues, and it will be a redo anyway. So wait and do a set up just once.
We will be here when it is time to help you get all set for success!...Use this downtime to do some research and fish dreaming. Hang out here on the site and ask questions. Purchase the items you are going to need to replace, and it won't hurt the budget as bad as buying all at once...


buy a "no spill" tank filler and drainer, fill the tank with fresh water to make sure it has no leaks. Then it can be easily drained again after 24 hours.
Originally Posted by Flower
Use this downtime to do some research and fish dreaming. Hang out here on the site and ask questions. Purchase the items you are going to need to replace, and it won't hurt the budget as bad as buying all at once...

Yeah, I've been fish dreaming. That'll be for another topic ;)
Originally Posted by Flower

if you break down the tank to move it there are all kinds of issues, and it will be a redo anyway
I don't really have that much to break down though. Just a aqua clear 500 filter that's good for both fw and sw.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Darkslide820
Yeah, I've been fish dreaming. That'll be for another topic ;)
I don't really have that much to break down though. Just a aqua clear 500 filter that's good for both fw and sw.

Let’s say you set up your tank...you need live rock and sand (substrate)...you have already complicated your move...you will have to cycle everything...then when you break down the tank in 2 months...you now need to keep the rock and sand wet...save some water so you won't have to recycle...the process as you add things just keeps climbing. So there is more than just a filter. If you only intend to add water you are not cycling anything just wasting your time. Until you put something alive in the tank, you have done nothing but store some saltwater, and waste your filter media.
Test your tank for leaks and sit on it. wait until you can set it up permanently...it will save you lots of work.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Darkslide820
OK man. Thanks for the tip. I like the wave, btw
Wave??? Do you mean my avatar? Thanks....I love color, and it has a flower in it. Seem to match me...the swirls reminded me of water...I hope that is what you are talking about.. LOL...
Do you need any book referances? That is the best way to pass time waiting to set up a tank.
No, I meant the smiley at the beginning of the posts. Haha.
Who needs books when I have the internet? Haha. You can read a book and come to an unclear section, then go ask someone in a message board for the clarification and they'll help out. No message boards or Google in the book.
But I know what you're saying. I've been reading this website for about two weeks before posting the first time. So I'm learning. I just wish the sw wasn't so much harder than the fw tanks.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Darkslide820
No, I meant the smiley at the beginning of the posts. Haha.
Who needs books when I have the internet? Haha. You can read a book and come to an unclear section, then go ask someone in a message board for the clarification and they'll help out. No message boards or Google in the book.
But I know what you're saying. I've been reading this website for about two weeks before posting the first time. So I'm learning. I just wish the sw wasn't so much harder than the fw tanks.

You can't beat a book...where do you think these guys got so knowledgeable? Here is a few books that will save you lots of money….I included a page of each so you can see the type of info they offer.


eric b 125

its really not as hard as it's made out to be. its technical, but everything is pretty understandable. what is 'a few months' to you? there's a lot you can do for your tank in 'a few months' without setting it up. within that time you can do research, you could drill your tank if you wanted to plumb it, you could paint the back (rather than the plastic backgrounds), you could cure some rock, and start buying equipment. that way when your floors are done, your tank will be ready to roll.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Eric B 125
its really not as hard as it's made out to be. its technical, but everything is pretty understandable. what is 'a few months' to you? there's a lot you can do for your tank in 'a few months' without setting it up. within that time you can do research, you could drill your tank if you wanted to plumb it, you could paint the back (rather than the plastic backgrounds), you could cure some rock, and start buying equipment. that way when your floors are done, your tank will be ready to roll.
+1 exactly!