I have an idea

darthtang aw

Active Member
Let's get economic advise from a company that makes no money here in the U.S.
Uh Oh, White House Seeks Economic Advice From Twitter
Nicholas Carlson|Mar. 6, 2009, 8:44 AM|142
Twitter cofounder and CEO Ev Williams is headed to the White House today.
The administration invited him to join a “young business leaders" summit to discuss the economic crises.
As Ev himself puts it -- in a Twitter message, of course -- "[this] must mean they're *really* out of ideas."
A reminder: With 6 million members and 700% plus growth, Twitter makes no money in the US. (It sells some ads in Japan).

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
So inviting him to a summit that was already scheduled is a waste of money?

Not a waste of money, maybe a waste of time.
Let's invite a guy that created a company that does not make or create anything....and on top of that does not receive money from this country in any fashion./......wait, this is not a bad idea, sounds like our economy anyway.
The point is I thought the porkulous conglmourous plan and the porkulous falsisithus budgititis bills were supposed to correct this problem....why the need to talk with a guy that created an internet chat site.....And the CEO basically said as much.
The admin is out of ideas


Active Member
You are missing the boat on this. You've got to change your perspective. He has never really stopped campaigning. Think about it, this is nothing but a pitch at "young voters" (like me). I think he is hoping that I'll make a this connection. "Wow he is talking to the guy who runs a web application I use on a daily basis. He must know what he's talking about since I check my twitter account 5 times an hour." (I don't have twitter fyi) This is nothing more than a photo op and a news story. Just like his budget and healthcare "summits" he had last week.