I have entirely too many tanks!!!



OK, I don't know how things ended up like this but I now have 3 tanks. Of course my main tank which is fully stocked and stable.
So I got the itch for another project. Then I saw a great deal on a 5 gallon nano. It's done cycling and the dwarf seahorses are ordered.
Fine... we're good. Until we found a 35 gallon hex on clearance. I just picked this up.
I guess that tank will be a few small community fish that can someday be transferred to a reef. Not yet because the only purpose to buying it was the deal. So I'm left with this one last question... WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING WITH THREE TANKS? AM I CRAZY? Your input welcome here. I'd also like some suggestions for stocking the 35.


I have 2 tanks a 20 gallon and 80 gallon, funny thing is that the smaller tank gives me the less problems and it's the tank that gets hardly any care at all.


Active Member
Well, with dwarf seahorses, yes, you are crazy! ugh, hatching BBS every day IS NOT my thing! And I like long vacations WAY too much!


Active Member
and here I thought I was bad at 6 tanks at once but now down to 4 up and running fully stocked plus 1 fw tank.i normally dont count that one lol.and people wonder why i need to upgrade :thinking:


I want a big tank and can't seem to get my hands on one!!!!! Every time a big tank is in the local paper I call on it and lose it by a day or couple hours. That paper came out this morning. I called on a 70 gallon at noon and he just called me back that it is sold, and I'm still at work !!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: (I'm on the West Coast) This has happened like 3 times in the past 4 months!! I just need to fork out the dough for a brand new tank and I'm a cheap ass

My 29 gallon reef is absolutely the apple of my eye, but limiting on amount and size of fish.
I want a big tank


Active Member
I have 7 picos all reefs from 2 gal to 1 gal in size, a 16gal BF reef ,a 29 gal QT, a 90 gal reef, and a 210 gal reef..with yet another 125 gal tank looking for some room in this already overstocked house (probbalay take the place of the 90 gal and move the 90 to the gazeebo outside.....in addition to those sw tanks we have 23 FW tanks throughout the house, barn and gazeebo all setup and operating year round. In the summer we have 9 preforms and other assorted water features we keep fish in as well...then there is the 2 large ponds of 1+ acres in size, so playing with fish in this household turned into a full time affair for me, more than a hobby...what the wife wants the wife gets, I windup with the work of taking care of it all.....oh well I am retired anyhow so its just something else to occupy my mind.


Right now my household consists of the 3 tanks, 2 dogs (almost 300 lbs total), 2 cats, me, my wife and my soon to be daughter. Am I in over my head?


Originally Posted by jcrim
Right now my household consists of the 3 tanks, 2 dogs (almost 400 lbs total), 2 cats, me, my wife and my soon to be daughter. Am I in over my head?

Yes you are in over your head
I have 4 tanks right now


Just when think you think it has been forever for your tank to cyle and stocked its done. so you keep going to the store and you want this or that fish or whatever but you have no room.

Then then you know you will start the ""cycle"" again...
I started 10 years ago with 1 FW then 2...3.. I always thought SW was too much work. Then 5 years ago I started a 15g SW in my kitchen it fits perfect in the pass through right above the sink, I became addicted. It may be pricer but with live rock and live sand and the clean up crews the maintance is just as easy.

Had to get bigger and more because you cant put this fish with this one so you must do more and bigger tanks.

All but 1 FW have been changed to SW..the count 1-50g FW, 2-37 sw (we are looing at putting these all into a 150 and get rid of them but now we may put one in the bedroom, Just seems wrong to get rid of a tank), 1-15g SW, - 1-90gSW (x-mas present last year) .


Active Member
I currently only have the one 33 gallon running but i'm starting a 2.5 gallon nano reef added to my cat, iguana, frog, betta (I love that fish, I change out his entire gallon and he's fine!!!) and my two ferrets which demand the most attention after the fish tank. See why I picked my name. Oh and I also run my sister's 10 gallon with goldfish because no one takes care of it so I run over and do water changes on that because I can't stand a dirsy green tank. That's crazy.


I'm up to 5 tanks but only two of them are for fishys! The other three are a rainbow boa, pink toe tarantula, and a hamster. Besides those we've got 3 cats, 3 dogs, a guinea pig, and an umbrella cockatoo. Yep, in over my head and lovin it :hilarious


I think I have to get a cowfish for the new hex tank. Also wife wants clowns... probably a pair of percs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
OK, I don't know how things ended up like this but I now have 3 tanks. Of course my main tank which is fully stocked and stable.
So I got the itch for another project. Then I saw a great deal on a 5 gallon nano. It's done cycling and the dwarf seahorses are ordered.
Fine... we're good. Until we found a 35 gallon hex on clearance. I just picked this up.
I guess that tank will be a few small community fish that can someday be transferred to a reef. Not yet because the only purpose to buying it was the deal. So I'm left with this one last question... WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING WITH THREE TANKS? AM I CRAZY? Your input welcome here. I'd also like some suggestions for stocking the 35.

I am beating you, I have Four Tanks right now.
2 Fresh (smaller but still two!)
2 Salt
2 glln with my Beta
10 Galln w/ Parrot Fish and Angel
36 glln Salt
80 glln salt
Would like to have a 300 glln.
then I could shake at least two of the tanks!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
I am beating you, I have Four Tanks right now.
2 Fresh (smaller but still two!)
2 Salt
2 glln with my Beta
10 Galln w/ Parrot Fish and Angel
36 glln Salt
80 glln salt
Would like to have a 300 glln.
then I could shake at least two of the tanks!!

ok now Im gonna get out the heavy artilary lol i was gonna count all my pets and pet tanks but here goes
2 dogs
2 cats
3 birds (african grey,sharp tailed conure,cockateil)
2 rats (each in 20 gal tanks)
4 1/2 ft ball pyhton (55 tank)
turtle( 40 gal long tank)
guinna pig(40 gal long tank)
15 gal fw tank
120 reef with 65 gal sump fuge.fuge doubles as a tank
125 6 ft agressive
100 6 ft fowlr
90 gal set up but no fish now soon to be a 300 gal
8 kids 6 grand kids and hubby ( ok 3 kids live at home rest grown and moved out tg)
im not a house keeper im a zoo keeper lol