ok here goes..... I thought that a fish tank would be the perfect hobby for me. I bought a 29 gal tank and kit. I killed a ton of fish when I first started by being a dummy. Now I am on my second set of fish and everything was going fine for a while but now they are dying again. I have noticed a few things going on in my tank. 1. Fish Dying I have lost about 4 fish so far. 2. White things stuck to the side of my tank that look like little tiny swirly shells. 3. One of my fish that has died had little brown spots on him that looked like bruises almost then had some white spots for a bit, then died. 4. fish are scratching on things in the tank. 5. Some fish were trying to kill another one by biting the heck out of him so I seperated him but he has a stub for a tail and wasent eating...he is now starting to lightly eat food. 6. My starfish who usually hides all day long is now out in the sunshine for whatever reason and my yellow tank is trying to nibble on him. Well I can't think of anything else that I have noticed and I have no clue what is going on. All I can think to do is water changes and that doesn't seem to be helping too much. I am VERY VERY new at this so any and all advice would be VERY appreciated. I am freaking out over it so if anyone knows anything please let me know, thanks so much