I have no idea????


I really want to start introducing corals into my tank, but theres only one problem, I have little to no idea what I'm doing. Right now I have fish, and live rock. I have a new light fixture coming that can accommodate corals, so I thought I would give it a shot. My tank is 20 gallons and about 16X24. Can anybody give me some advice as to what corals to start with, or any advice at all about starting up, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!


Give us a list of everything that is in your tank at this time, what lighting you will be running, what your water test look like and how long you have been running this tank.


New Member
I'd suggest you start with things that are robust.(and cheap)
Star Polyps
Leather Corals
Avoid things you have to feed.
Probably best to pass on the SPS/LPS corals too -especially if your lighting isn't the best.


Active Member
kenya tree as well as xenia and anthelia would be good starters.
but, make sure your nitrates are down to zero, your phosphates are close to (but not at) zero. make sure you have all the test kits needed and have the knowledge on how to buff stuff..


I have 2 false percula clownfish, lawnmore blenny, conch, and fiji live rock. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, nitrate .025 not sure about phosphates my tank is only 3 months old which I know may be a problem. The lighting I'm thinking about buying is T-5 HO Nova Extreme with 4-24 watt T-5 bulbs and 2 lunar lights


Active Member
you should be fine keeping most corals. what did you have in mind for a first coral?


Active Member
goodness, with those lights you can keep just about anything.
but seriously, youll want to get phosphate, calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium test kits once you start going reef.


Alright thanks for the advice. Do you think that might be to much lighting? I don't want to have to spend money on a cooling system.


Active Member
t5;s shouldnt generate much heat, they are basically glorified flourescent lights. i could be wrong, but i don't think i am. that's only about 4watts per gallon.