I have PCP (Power Compact Problem)


Here's my problem: I am putting together a 20G Long reef tank with inverts for my niece (yes I'll monitor it until she learns). My problem is that for space reasons the only reasonable lighting system would be a power compact unit. Now I have three options. Please help me with what would be the best in your opinion.
Option (A): $140.00 2x65w pre-assembled unit. (WPG 6.5)
Option (B): $185.00 2x65w 1x55w DIY (WPG 9.25)
Option (C): $225.00 2x65w 2x55w DIY (WPG 12)
Keep in mind she might want to keep some more advanced inverts later on.


:happyfish hi, I totally agree on option2 or 3. My brother has a 20 gal. long, and keeps 120 watts of pc half 10k half actinic 03. He's able to keep most soft corals, but no hard corals long term. He just bought 55 more wats, and is making a seperate metal bar that will hang down, that he will mount them to. Yes in a 20 gal. there's going to be a space issue. You just have to do some brain stormin. Good luck


Thank you very much.
Now to choose between Options B and C.
Eeniee Meeniee Minee Mo...Option C is the way to go.


Active Member
Its not like your going to be able to keep sps or clams so all of the selections would work just fine..
I choose A.....its easy and will do the same job as B and C..


Active Member
Not exactly the same job. The more light tho corals get the faster they will grow and multiply, and you can't really keep an anemone and have it thrive with 2x55 watts.