I have some sort of fungus on my rock


I have a small female spotted box fish. Would she be a threat to them?
She hasn't bothered them so far. All she does is pester the shrimp to be cleaned.


Also, does anyone have any idea what kind of mushroom corals they are?
I just searched through the site and I didn't see any quite like them, yet alone a two-fer-one deal on shrooms.
I'll post the results in the morning after I have a chat with someone...


Active Member
Dont worry, they arent like normal mushrooms on the land haha. Those are corals, so they wont harm anything. They do tend to spread really quickly. They didnt just show up overnight, either the rock is new, or someone added the mushrooms, or you just really really havent seen them, which would be hard to ignore them hahaha.
From the pictures, Im going to take a wild hit at the type of them, but Im not very good at IDing them. Id say the red ones are of the red spotted variety. SWF.com only has a few different kinds that are spotted, but you may notice the similarity.


Ok, he finally admitted that he put them in the tank. Now I feel extra dumb.

He said the bag read "blue moss"? He must have meant mushroom.
But I definitely didn't order it, nor was I charged for it.
I hope they live....
*wonders how big they get*


sorry I had to. LOL
they will get about 2 inches or so depending on species.
The main thing about mushrooms is that they move as the move they create little mushrooms fromt he tissue they tear off as they move.


Thanks, Mike.
I just hope they survive. They're doing really well today, all reaching up and looking good.
The only thing I can figure is that SWF.com couldn't sell the rock because it had more than one variety of mushroom on it, so they gave it away. I didn't notice any "combo packs" on the coral menu.
Pretty cool.


not real sure did you look at your invoice and see if it said anything?
what type of lights do you have on the tank?


They're definitely not on the invoice. I even checked my credit card statement and it reflects everything I paid for, which didn't include this.
Right now I have 4 65 watt PCs, two 10k and two actinic, but I have some t5s on order from ----. I'm not sure why they haven't gotten here yet. I'm getting ready to file a complaint.
Will these do ok on the PCs? They're about as high up on the LR as they can get.


they will fine with the PC lighting. once you get the new lighting youll have to move hem down to the bottom or they could bleach out.


Was it your free item for purchasing multiple times? If you purchase from SWF.com they give you a gift with each new order. The free item increases in value with the more times you order. If you didnt specify what you wanted for your free item they may have just included the mushrooms. Most people are able to keep mushrooms in their tanks. Congrats, great thing to get!


I selected 50 hermit shells for my free item. I got them, and the mushrooms. There were no corals on my free items list.
At least one good thing came of this: it excited my interest in getting more corals. I already had one low light coral as an experiment to see if my water was ready to go reef after the copper treatment a while back. I've been using Cuprisorb for over a year to get rid of it. Apparently it did the trick. I had people telling me that I'd have to basically replace my entire tank after treating with copper, but that doesn't seem to be the case. All my inverts are thriving and growing like crazy. The queen conch I got a couple months ago has nearly tripled in size!
I'm amazed at the way the mushrooms move. I always thought that corals were stationary like plants. These things bend and reach which seems odd to me since they look so....fungi-like.
I like.


all corals move some more than others. SPS corals you dont really see alot of movement but with softies like mushrooms and leather the can book it across your rocks at times * at least it seems that way most move very slowly from one place to another wth the exception of anemones they can really move quickly.


New Member
Something like this happened to me, but I got 3 small emerald crabs I didnt order, also got my free item as well. Thinking back I guess I should have let them know I received them.
I remember thinking that something was extra small that I ordered and maybe they sent them to make up for it.
I only order from this site and am happy with all orders. Have had no loses or returns all have arived alive.
and they send extra snails and crabs. Great extra jc74


Are anemones corals? If so, I learned something else today.
I've had nothing but good experiences with this site. Everything has been healthy and disease-free. One of my compaints however is that some things are really small. The cleaner shrimp I received in my last order is the size of a ghost shrimp. I mean it's tiny, and I hope that my other inverts/fish don't eat it. And my firefish is the size of a freshwater neon. Itty bitty. My emeralds were also microscopic compared to the ones I've received in the past. I also wish that the site would better specify what's reef safe and how big the animal will grow. It only specifies how big it is when they send it to you.
But I digress...I like my shrooms.


yes anemones are soft bodied corals.
thats why they have a bulletin board so you can ask these questions before you buy


An anemone or two will be next on my list.
My two perculas would flutter arround in the long hair algae I had before my inverts ate it all. I think they want a safe place to hang out.


mushrooms are amazing corals, and if you have enough light, they will multiply like crazy, i upgrade from PC to metal halide and they doubled in size so quickly, now i need to frag them so theres enough room.