you can try a trap, but normaly they don't work too well(sometimes they do), mantis are very smart and even if it did work then you have to get it out before it gets out ot the trap because you will never have a 2d opportunity(almosts here never work again)
OR very carefully and cautiously, they are dangerous(exotic and cool in their own way) and deadly for a tank with fish and inverts, what i have heard is the best way(and has worked for many) is to isolate his rock, adn when he is in it, remove he rock(watch your hands) and pu --- into a bucket of sw, then use a turkey baster and shoot club soda into his hole, he will almost surely come flying out, so do not shoot it in where you you will be infront of it, then you can remove the rock adn put it back into the aquarium, the mantis you can set up a species only tank or get rid of if you want
other options, are to try fw, really high slaine sw or hot water,but i think i find club soda works the best