I have this type of lighting. What does it mean?


48in Orbit 4x96 watt SunPaq with Lunar Lights & Fan. It packs the SunPaq Dual Daylight (10,000K & 6,700K), the Dual Actinic (460nm & 420nm) and the Lunar Light together in one sleek, fan-cooled fixture. Offering the leading technologies in one 24-hour lighting system that gives you one small step to take for a gigantic leap in performance.
Length: 48"
Wattage: 96W
No./Color Temp: 2-Dual Daylight/2-Dual Actinic
No. of Lunar Lights: 4
Fan: Yes
No. of Switches: 2
Now, my question is this; What kind of coral can I put in my tank that this lighting system is good enough for? My tank's dimension is 120 gal 4ft X 2ft X2ft. I hear peole talking about 10,000 k of this, 5 watts of that; you might as well be speaking to me in Martian cause I am clueless in what they are talking about.


i'm using 96 watts for my 10 gal... you have a 120 gal
i think your gonna need a bunch more light
theres a thread somewhere
try putting this thread in Reefs forum and i think you'll get a better response


We are talking about a tank that is two foot deep, the only affective lighting that will properly penitrated that deep is Metal halides. Now this doesn't mean things will not survive down there. You could still have mushrooms, xenia, some polyps live down there and the like and do quite well. You will just want to keep in mind whatever you purchase, what there lighting requriments are and place them acordingly in your tank.
you did still mean 4x65 didn't you? PC lighting? You would be close to/about medium lighing on that tank. If you were even thinking about an anemone I would strongly suggesst better lighting, as I would have to say you are at least 100 watts to low for them on that size tank.


New Member
do u mean u have 4- 65 watt bulbs, for a total of 260 watts? i think it is unclear of the wattage you have, u may want to shoot for 4 or 5 watts per gallon


Active Member
the 4 to 5 watt per gallon rule does not apply if it is pc lighting, which I believe that light is.


I had have the PC Orbit. Its the pretty cool one, with the 24 hour lighting system. I know cool doesn't mean anything anymore, but the bulbs say 65watts on it. there is 4-double bulbs. So does that me I have 4x65 which equals 260. I do have two anemones in the tank already and I've had them in there for 4 months already and they seem to be doing well. I also have a toadstool leather, Bubble coral, and two star polyps. I had a plate coral but that died. I had that one on the bottom and it wasn't getting enough lighting. I now moved everything to the med to top levels of my tank and they seem to be doing good. I was just looking for suggestion on other corals that need medium lighting. Would I be able to upgrade lighting system without having to buy a new one? Thanks again


I've heard many times that the watts per gallon rule isn't always an accurate way to put it...they say you have to consider tank depth most of all i believe as to how many watts you need. By the way VHO's would be just fine If you ever decided to upgrade...After doing a little research so far it seems to me that Metal Halides are way over hyped in some cases..I don't believe they are NEEDED...however I'm sure they do offer some nice improvements if you have the cash and are willing to dish it out.


Active Member
Will, the 4-5 watt per gallon rule applies to normal output lights. power compacts are more powerful.
I don't have anemones, but I've heard you can compensate for lesser lighting by feeding more. don't know if that's accurate or not. I believe you can keep most soft corals with your lighting. and probably some anemones.


I think they are White Sebae Anemone.
So you could upgrade by buying a bulb with higher wattage? LFS told me I had to buy a whole new pc lighting.


i was at the LFS and they said that i would be able to purchase a higher wattage bulb for my fixture, so i'm guessing that you'd be able to do the same for yours... but they are just salesman.. :D

will l

Not to take over the thread but will 6.5 watts per gal with PC be too much for a anemone in a 30gal? There has to be a limit, What is it?


actually there is a thread about lighting peramiters per gal.
i think that would be fine.. i think over 13 watts per gal will start to cause problems