I have to say this about an order from SWF.com


I am very pleased. I ordered once from here 5 months ago to get a clean up crew and was also pleased. I just received a flame angel that is bigger than I have ever seen, probably 3 inches plus. I would prefer a smaller one but this monster looks good. I also got 2 blue reef chromis. I have several of the blue green chomis in other tanks and like them but the site was out of stock so I went for the blue reef at twice the price. I actually never saw one before and they look great. Really blue with black on them. These 3 new guys are in a 46 4al with 2 green chromis. I got all my fingers crossed that they make it because these are 3 great looking fish. Cross your fingers for me!:)


Yes. I am very happy with the product from this site. I am very hopeful. I will try to post a pic tomorrow night.


Happy to hear of your success with SWF.com!
I will be ordering a lot from this site in the near future, as I am setting up my 75 reef. It's good to hear that they are a good place to order livestock as well as a great place to get advice.


Hi Bambalamb
Hi beth, been a while. No harrassment. Both blues looked ok when they died. They arrived Wed. 1 died Thurs. and 1 Fri.
The kicker was this morning. Dead flame angel. I saw this one coming. Friday night it had clamped fins, white stringy stuff on its tail and cloudy eyes. It never ate. I treated the tank with garlic and Melafix. That was all I had on hand. Sat the flame was swimming poorly and this morning...
I have had other deaths lately in this same tank. I don't get it. The 2 green chromis in there are fine. Pods, worms, tiny feather dusters, coraline algae. All looks well in there. I plan on taking a break. I am tired of killing stuff. I think I might have 2 super chromis in the tank. If they ever died :eek: I plan to spend money on some more LR for my 180. I figure I can add about 100 pounds and that should take a few hundred $ and a few months. At least I can't kill rock:rolleyes:
Really bumbed in Indiana.
Those fish from SWF.com were the best looking I have ever seen!


Active Member
Sorry to hear about the fish. Are you looking into causes or just moving on.
Sounds like something in the water. I too had a tough time for a while on my 55. I had 3 chromis in thier since the beggining but every other fish I added died. Could never figure it out.
I tested water, air, filtration.... Evrything I could to figure it all out. Then, I talked with a fish "expert" and he told me that some diseases lay dormant in some fish but attack others. I guess this was the only explanation I could accept because it was the only one that made half sense. Everything tested fine....
To this day, I still cannot fully explain what was going on in that tank. All I do know is, once the chromis(original) were gone and the tank sat for a while with nothing more than water, the problem went away. (sidenote- I did remove the Sand Filter)
Now the tank belongs to a buddy. Everything in it came from me. (rock, sand, filter) All is well. I might have just been cursed.


I think I am going to stuff the tank full of LR to let it cure for my larger tank and just leave the 2 little guys in there. If they die I will go empty for a while but right now I am going to take a break from fish. I have done enough damage for a while.
Maybe a coral for the 180. I have 2 small colonies of button polyps and mushrooms in there that have grown well in the past 4 months.
Hmmm, corals easy, fish difficult.
That can't be right :)