I hear clicking sounds!


New Member
I have no idea what this is caused from, but at night when the lights go out in my 30 gallon mini-reef. I here a clicking sound or systematic tapping sounds coming from the aquarium. I must be going crazy! but the sounds stop when I approach the tank........
Any help would be appreciated!

the new guy

Sounds like maybe a mantis or pistol shrimp?? What do you have in the tank? Have you added any live rock recently?


I will go with mantis or pistol since it occurs after lights out and stops when you go near it. What else is in the tank and how long has it been set up?


Active Member
Never had or seen a mantis or a pistol, so I can't comment on the validity of those suggestions. Is the tapping regular... is there a pattern to it, or is it pretty random? My hermits make tapping sounds as their shells rub and tap on the LR. Since my hermits are much more active at night, the clicking is much more noticable after the lights go off.
Just a though.


New Member
Hey man,
Don't tear apart ur tank just yet trying to find that mantis or pistol shrimp.
I've had the same sounds, loud clicking coming from my tank at night. It's been going on for 6 months or so. I figured it was one of these nasty shrimps til' about a month ago. One night heard the sound, ran over to the tank, and a snail was wiggling back and forth hitting his shell against the glass. So, if you got large snails maybe check them out when you hear the noise. I was releaved I didn't have any pests. I didn't know snails could "wiggle" either.


Active Member
My guess would be a pistol shrimp. I had the same thing going on in my 29G. I finally seen the little guy and just left him alone for awhile.
I got tired of the clicking every night though and decided it was time for him to go. I removed everything from my tank to get this little guy out.

the new guy

I agree with b_ball, if it was a snail or a crab they wouldnt stop when you approach the tank.
Also keep in mind if it is a pistol or mantis they have the ability to crack the glass in the tank or if you are cleaning the tank they can crack your finger.
I am not saying they are all bad (i think they look cool as heck), and you dont have to tear the tank apart, just beware! Until you know exactly what it is I would use caution... :D


New Member
Thanks All! The tapping is rythmic and does stop when I approach the tank at night. I do not think I am going to rip the tank apart to get at him.
Will it hurt to just leave it along? The tank only has a clean up crew and a percula clown(small) and has 60 #'s of live rock. I will be adding only simple corals, like mushrooms, leathers, etc.

the new guy

Have you noticed if your cleaning crew has gotten smaller? I wouldnt think a mantis would have a rythmic click because the click is the sound mantis' makes when cracking open shells to eat. I dont know, sounds strange to me!!!