I Just Broke My Collarbone!(ouch) Anyone Else Break It Before????


Okay, first off get yourself a clean 5 gallon bucket. Make sure it has NEVER had anything in it before. No soaps or anything like that. Have another 5 gallon bucket. Take your siphon-have the big part in the water and the little part in the bucket. To get the siphoning started I prefer to put the WHOLE thing in the tank, and wait until it is all done bubbling. Then I put my thumb over the small end, pull the small end out of the water and into the bucket with my thumb still over the small end and it siphons! DO NOT SIPHON THE SAND!!!! Then, let the bucket fill about half way with your tank water. BANG!! Your done. But before you do any of this (sorry not in chronological order) you need your other 5 gallon bucket and you need to know that the salt level in your tank is. Fill the 5 gallon bucket up with water (fresh) and fill up only to how ever much you plan to take out in the other bucket and put in the amount of salt that is in your tank. Then dechlorinate (if not using ro water) and let sit for 24 hours. Then do your water change and after you do your water change pour your prepared salt water in!


Active Member
Originally Posted by DevilDog01
I am here, do not get a clean up crew until your levels are at ZERO, not 5 ppm, ZERO.
but ialready do...?


I know, but you asked about a second one? DO NOT ADD THE SECOND ONE. You cant do anything about what you currently have, but dont get any more things. G2g. Be back in 20 minutes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DevilDog01
I know, but you asked about a second one? DO NOT ADD THE SECOND ONE. You cant do anything about what you currently have, but dont get any more things. G2g. Be back in 20 minutes.
god luck acclimating the hippo!!!
i want pics...


Thanks. He is in the tank now. He just got out of quarantine at the LFS, in fact she was just about to put him in the display tank when I said I wanted him. I named it Dory. (go figure) She's pretty shy right now. I will take pics tomorrow. I put her in my main tank and not in quarantine because he had just gotten out of quarantine. She's gorgeous!!


Active Member
i miss mine so much! i had a beautiful one before i moved and gave all my fish to the lfs on christmas my tank will be 6 months old so i will get one for my birthday febuary 20


He is. I am going to talk to the mods. Well a while back I needed help with an avatar so I gave him my password. Well, today he got pissed off at me for telling you I got a hippo tang and he was freaking because it is in my 55 and then I got on his case because he has one in his 29!!!!!! Well, long story short. He got into my account, deleted my avatar, changed my password so I cant get in, changed Grandville to Gayville, and he claims he didnt do it!! But he is the ONLY person who knows my password!! I know he did!!


I agree, he has NO place on these boards. I should not HAVE to worry about giving out my password, but thanks to him I am never doing it again!!


No, but I will make a thread as soon as I am done doing this. My computer had spyware right after I talked to him on AIM. Who knows what the **** he did. I had to uninstall windows XP and reinstall it so I could get on here.