I just got a lettuce nudi


Active Member
Well the picture is bad because im still accumilating it, i dont know exactly how long im supposed to do it but im going to do it for 3 hrs just to be on the safe side. I got the Aquaclear prefilters for my powerheads.
My lettuce looks exactly the same as j21kickster's except the colors are different. That shouldnt be a problem right?:confused:
is it in ur little 15 gallon or somthign like taht? the one with the MASS hair algae... hehehe no effence :p , hope it works.. the pickture is a little, BRIGHT...


Active Member
the plentiful amount of hair algae i have :D
if the hair algae is ever gone, i'll put the hermits in the 55 gallon, so nothing will compete for the algae in the tank


Active Member
im under the assumption it ates primarily algae and hair algae. i got algae sheets incase it also runs out.
this is only for the lettuce nudi, each type of nudi eats a differnt type of food. One, the most common one, which is hte purple with yellow branch eats sponges.


Active Member
heres the best picture i can get for tonight.
i just want to know if this is an actual lettuce nudibranch. It has dark green body. The ruffles are lined with orange. Its body has small whitish spots. And its antenna has thin white lines. The ruffles are a darker green then its body which has a lighter green.
i was too excited when i saw it that i bought it without doing further research, i just remembered ruffles and green when i thought of lettuce nudibranches. Can this be another type of lettuce?


Active Member
im almost 99.999999% sure this is it, after searching around websites, i got this from an online store claiming it is a lettuce.
after an hour of searching i came out with the technical name Elysia diomedea at http://www.seaslugforum.net/elysdiom.htm#m5861
what do you think? hoping a nudibranch expert could answer the behavior and if it should be in my 15 gallon tank. Or maybe... im just being paranoid:eek:


Active Member
I haven't heard of any doing much of anything for hair algae.....bryopsis, which is a fern looking type of hair looking algae that grows in patches in prefered......I doubt he will help you at all.


Active Member
is there a way you can tell its eating the algae? like is there a trail? or is there a stomach you can see? will it grow in size?
heres a picture of it


Active Member
is there some way to tell its eating? does it slowly and stay in one spot? does it have a large mouth that should open up? does sand go out the mouth and come out the other end? im pretty new with nudi's
Hey Entice:
I had a nudibranch as well...got it from this site. It lasted about 2-3 months...didn't eat too much algae..hair or otherwise. It reminds me of a very very slow slug that moves quickly only when it feels danger.
My nudibranch was green like your pic. I hope you have better luck than mines.


Active Member
thanks for the info
sammy, im currently pulling out the hair two times a week when i clean the filters. Hopefully that will help.
Newbie, let me guess, you got it at.... 6th ave :rolleyes: