i just got green ricordea...question


Active Member
i just ordered a green ricordea from swf and it arived today. my queston is, in the middle of the coral, there is like a little white part. is this normal? its not green like the rest of the coral...


Active Member
If it is stringy, it is what they use to try and relocate themselves when thoroughly po'd. It is fine, just put him in indirect, low flow and he will be happy.


Active Member
also, when i got this piece it is on a little rock, should i glue this rock to a bigger piece of rock in my tank? it doesnt look like it is gonna get blown away but who knows. and if i do glue it, should i use krazy glue?


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also, what should i be feeding this little guy? and i alsohave a zoo that im not sure what to feed


Active Member
Sure, glue the sucker down, if he's mad, he'll detach though, so make sure he is happy before you glue him.
The white center is his open mouth. It will be fine, they all do this when stressed.
Zoos don't feed I don't think. You can feed the shroom cyclopeeze, I have some ricordia which will eat silverside pieces. They are hard to feed IME, so maybe just dose the tank with some cyclopeeze at times (turn off your skimmer of course).


Active Member
i moved it lower in my tank. its not really shady where it is though but it is in pretty low flow i would say. is that ok? and is that white thing that mouth?
i have never had coral before so i dont know


Active Member
Yeah, that's his mouth. Mushrooms don't like a lot of flow. That's how I force mine to detach if I need, I point a powerhead at them :)


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I don't think zoos use anything but light, shrooms can eat cyclopeeze, mysis, anything you can get to stick to them long enough to be eaten.