Thanks Thomas, it's hard to believe I was going to trash this guy. The first day I got him home that night he and the mj 1200 had a run in. He was mush all that was left was his foot and maybe 3 tentacles sad sad day. My wife talked me into floating him in a bag overnight and seeing what happen. Did this and he came out in the bag the next morning. I put him back in and he has been in for about 7 or 8 months now in the same spot foot securly attached to the bottom of the tank. I even drained the tank except about 3 inch of water above the sand and pushed stand and all across the carpet from living room to the bedroom filled it back up and he still stayed in the same place. He just keeps getting bigger now. I love them two been thinking about getting a mate for the clown but not sure I want to risk it. Took me forever to decide to buy the LTA just can't be to safe IMO these guys are to precious.