I just need a list!!!!!!!


Ok I just need a list of what I will need for my 55 saltwater tank and thats it. I dont need to Know how they work. Im not trying to be mean but I just need a list and please dont tell me a web site on were they can answer my questions. Thanks very much for the information and remember I just need a list and you can put your opinion on what you put in there like if you think a serten product is important or not so inportant . Thanks.


A list of what dry goods??
What do you hope to end up with? Fish or Corals too?
If corals, then softies, stonies, or what?


Active Member
my list would include:
1. a few recent books or
2. patience and research on this site or
3. god don't do it


New Member
I can understand where hes coming from. I have never posted here but i have read thread after thread that become overwhelming with information and ideas. However those few questions need to be answered before you could even begin to put together a list.


I definately remember the frustration.
I remember the guy at the LFS saying... "All you really need to worry about is you calcium and alkalinity, when you start getting corals you'll need kits for and supplements for iodine, strontium, ..." I think he named every element he's ever heard of!!:scared:


Active Member
Well, in regards to equipment, I'd say you'd need:
- A tank (aren't I good =P)
- A heater
- Powerheads
- Some sort of mechanical filtration
- Lighting system
- Hood (could also house the lighting system)
- Power strip with that special shock protection/automatic reboot in case of a power outage (can't remember what it's called for the life of me)
Optional and often recommended:
- Protein skimmer
- RO/DI water filtration/purifying unit
- Timer for the lights (it's a wonderful thing...I love mine)
As for what goes in the tank, you'd need:
- Sand (crushed coral is no good; live sand is preferrable, but all sand will become live over time. Make sure to buy the sand specially made for aquariums; most play sands, with the exception of Southdown, are not suitable nor nice to look at)
- Live rock isn't required, although many will say so. I am tempted to say it should be required, as it is nothing but beneficial. I'd say if you can spare the money, it will be a very worthy investment
- Livestock
- Thermometer
Accessory items:
- Test kits (nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, and pH are the basic ones you can start off with)
- Nets (I think having two is nice)
- New, 5 gallon plastic buckets for mixing saltwater (I have two and it works well for me)
- Salt (I recommend Instant Ocean)
- Measuring devices (these come in handy in various ways for me all the time; i.e. a half a cup of Instant Ocean salt for every gallon, one teaspoon of Stress Coat for every ten gallons, etc.)
- Refractometer: I will say this is necessary because plastic hydrometers are so inaccurate that they shouldn't even be sold. Refractometers are the way to go; fast, easy, and accurate
- Siphon
- Some sort of airline tubing or surgical tubing for drip acclimation of new livestock
- Turkey baster (for blowing detritus off of rocks, spot feeding fish, etc.)
- Food for the livestock! Lots of info around here on that; could be anything from pellet food to nori to mysis shrimp
- You may end up needing medications like copper, Maracyn-Two, Formalin, etc. for ill fish, but it's not something you need right away
And then there's a quarantine tank. Beth has a nice article on that in the second thread from the top in the Disease and Treatment board.
I'm sure I forgot a lot of stuff...and I'm not entirely sure if this answers your question at all, but there you have it. :)


sorry for not telling you what I need a list of and that is all the
equipment I would need for a regular 55g saltwater tank setup with lr and stuff like that thanks.And thanks so much lefty thats exactly what I needed and you gave me the rihgt information and if anyone thinks he/she forgot something please let me know thanks.


Active Member
powersweeps are cool. not exactly wavemakers, but they do changeup the currents pretty good.
lefty are you sure he needs a tank??:notsure:


Active Member
Wish I would have seen this eariler..
I have a list for the New Aquariest made up right here...
Ten Easy Steps...
1. Get a book...
2. Open the Book...
3. Read the Book...
4. "Comprehend" the book...
5. If step 4 isn't working...Re-read the Book...
6. Get another Book...
7. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4...(possiably 5 as well)
8. Having "grasped" the basic concepts from steps 1-7 ... "Decide" what fish you want to keep...
9. Purchase a tank sized to fit the fish you want...Rather than trying to find fish that will "fit" the tank you have...
10. Get another book...or ask questions on a board like SWF where we can help you work out your "plan"...
After that it's just water, sand, salt, and rocks...hook up your filtration, cycle the tank and add fish...