I just saw the coolest thing

josh f

I saw a blue leg hermit get out of his shell and hang on the shell of another, the other was coming out of his shell and when he got out he got into the others' old shell and then the first one got into his, I guess the algea is always greener on the other shell.


I haven't seen two switch but mine use to chang shells sometimes 2 times each day. I had several for him to choose and he switched back and forth. Pretty neat to watch.
Hi, I have watched two of mine do it and it was very cool,wrestle around for awhile then out pops one and then the other and then a switch arooo, very neat..cya :D

30 hex

where do you guys get your shells? none of my lfs have small shells. I live a block from L.I.sound so i guess i can go comb the beach. :confused:


also check a party supply store. They have hawaiian luau party supplies, including bags or wicker baskets of shells cheap.