I feel like such a dumby.
My DT had a seriouse case of ick. So I put the fish in a QT to treat the fish seperatly from the the DT. I was sooooo carefull with the water quality and the temp and all the important stuff. But were i was a dumby is that i set up the powerhead and thought that that would be enough 02 into the water. I was under the understanding that powerhead bubbles were bad saltwater fish. Well i wrong. In the situaion they were in it was needed. The powerhead was not enough 02, They died from lack of air.
I went to bed they all looked good and everything was going fine. I woke up to a tank full of dead fish.
So now we have decided to let the tank run empty for 6-8 weeks to kill of the ick. Is there anything else we can do to make sure the ick is gone. Oh and all fish purchased from this day forward will be going into QT 4 weeks before going into DT.
So now we have decided to let the tank run empty for 6-8 weeks to kill of the ick. Is there anything else we can do to make sure the ick is gone. Oh and all fish purchased from this day forward will be going into QT 4 weeks before going into DT.