I know Damsels are hardy but.......


This is rediculous!! I was in the process of moving my girlfriends 55gal to my house this weekend. The only fish in her tank at the time were two damsels. In the process of draining the tank I lost sight of one of the damsels. I searched and searched but he was nowhere to be found. Finally when I was adding the water back to the tank I found the little guy at the bottom of the trash can I was keeping the water in. I through him back in the tank and he is perfectly fine. My guess is that when I was sifoning the water out of the tank I must have sucked the little guy up :( I am glad he is ok.
By the way I got the whole thing setup now with the custom sump/refugium and the new lights. Hopefully I can get some pixs up soon.


You know, I know damsels are not everyones favorite fish. I was actually going to take them out when I moved the tank, but any fish that gets sucked through a 4' hose into a 5gal bucket then dumped into a garbage can and is still alive is alright by me.