I Know How To Make Your Tank Up To 10 Degrees Cooler With Out A Chiller


Active Member
Originally Posted by dfreeman64
Yea no A/C in Houston and I eould not be concerned for the fish for I would be dead!!!!!!!
Yeah, I know what you mean. I used to live in Texas and to this day I still consider it my true home.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JesikaRose
I was thinking if there is a way to measure the salt... you could just throw in some salt ice cubes!!!
I would think with the SG changing from when frozen to defrosted in theory it could work. However, if you stuck them straight in a tank, it could make too many cold spots. If you stuck it in a fuge that way, quite a bit would kill some of the microlife a fuge helps build and maintain.
If I'm wrong on that theory or someone disagrees please explain.
Always a student with questions and occassionally the teacher,
Denise M.


My tank is close to my air vent. About 5' from it. But I used 4 120mm 12v fans that put out 105cfm of air each. My temp stays around 79-79.3 all day long, with or without the lights on.


You buy a $40 hose, and hook it up to one of your AC vents in your house, and point it into the tank

Sorry I had to spoil your secret haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by alvin
You buy a $40 hose, and hook it up to one of your AC vents in your house, and point it into the tank

Sorry I had to spoil your secret haha

Hmmm.... I suppose in theory it is possible, however if you use a new hose I would think that you may be dealing with gas issues deriving from using a hose that basically would still have oil type of residues and odor issues from the products used to actually create the hose.
Anyone else have any thoughts on that?
Denise M.


I don't think their that high in residue. Otherwise they would drip oil on our floors. Maybe thats reading a little to deep in to this. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Threed240
I don't think their that high in residue. Otherwise they would drip oil on our floors. Maybe thats reading a little to deep in to this. :thinking:
Well since water comes out and oil issues would be hard to really tell - how could one know what manufacturing practices a hose plant would have much less test for it? :notsure:
Denise M.