I know I feel dumb but i gotta ask


New Member
A friend gave me a sump system with an overflow box but how in the heck do you get the siphon to start. I thought about trying and figured I better not make an asz of myself and ask before I try.


Active Member
If I remember right, its been a long time since I used one,
Make sure both boxes have water above the bottom of the U tube and use a long enough air tubeing stuck up inside to the top of the U tube and start the pump. Then quickly suck the air useing you mouth, out of the U tube thru the air line and this should fill the U tube with water and start the syphon.
Or does this just show how long its been ????
Some models now have little pumps that attach some how that keeps the air from building back up and stoping the syphon so check that at times..


Active Member
ok the easiest way I have found is to get the U tube and fill it with tank water then get 2 ziplock bags and 2 rubberbands put the ziplock bags on each end with the rubberbands, then first open the 1 in the tank it will stay full then open the one in the overflow box then there you get let gravity do its thing


lol did the hose thing this weekend setting up my tank...... worked just fine, was afraid i was gonna suck up some of the water lol..... but i didnt..... fun stuff!


Originally Posted by Symon
I will someday have a fuge setup! How's that tank coming along Hook?
awesome! got a 125 gallon tank with bio ball filter, 3 powerheads, 70 pounds of live rock, heater, stand, and lights for 300 bucks.... just got it going thursday....