I know nothing about lighting


New Member
I just picked up Coral life with 2 sets of actinic and 2 sets of 65W 10K bulbs. I know this isn't nothing to
but for a few bucks i needed it. I'm just not certain of what I can and can't do with this type of lighting. I know down the road upgrades and upgrades but what is in and not in my grasp. Still in planning phase, so no water has been poured yet.
Thanks guys


Active Member
powercompacts are good for keeping softies, and most large-polyped-stony corals. small-polyps-stonies, clams, and anemonies are out of the question. how big is your tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by plyitloud4me
I have a 75 gallon.... what is the next step,not leap, in lighting and what can you then do with that?
if your arent looking at any coral restrictions as far as lighting goes, i would look into T5, cheap, cool, and efficient. you'll probably want between 5-7 bulbs, aquactinics is one of the best brands. equal if not slightly better, but more expensive, is metal halide. you'll want two 150w or 175w bulbs with some kind of actinic suppliment.