I know the answer but am asking anyways.


Need some advice on ich. 2-3 months ago I lost my royal gramma to ich. Since then none of my other 6 fish have shown signs but since that incident I have refrained from buying any new fish for fear my thank is still an ich playground. I am well versed on quarantine/ hospital tanks, treating with hyposalinty and soaking food in garlic (which I do with every feeding) so this is not what I am asking. The 6 fish I do have in my tank are all on the extremely resilent end of the spectrum (see list below) and never ever have shown signs. I have grown bored adding coral to my tank and desperately want to add new , bigger fish (none of mine are bigger than 4 inches, with most being 2 inches). What is ya'lls take on my tank's water condition. Am I screwed and destined to never have prettier, bigger fish because of this one incident? Taking my fish out and putting them in a quarintine/hospital tank is a last ditch option so please keep that in mind. I have a lot of LR and 10 different kinds of corals and finally have gotten them situated so that everyone is happy and flourishing. Sorry for the long post and thanks for your help.

bang guy

Well, You won't like my answer, but I'm conservative in my advice on stocking. I believe you are already overstocked and adding another fish, even a small one, would be a mistake.


Yeah I guess I should have mentioned that if I do buy bigger fish then I will be taking out some of the ones I have now. I too am conservative with my tank and always error on the side of safe but it surprises me you think my tank is overstocked. But then again I guess that shows you maybe I am not as conservative as I thought. I added the Goby and Fiji after the Royal Gramma died. Goby was on sale and Fiji damsel was free - couldn't pass either up.:)