I know this is a really dumb question, but


how can I tell if my open brain is eating? I've offered mysis shrimp, brine shimp and a slurry of dissolved formula one dropped by a medicine (only used for inverts/corals) dropper. I can't tell if it is receiving food or not. It still looks the same as it did two weeks ago, but with corals I know that doesn't mean much. thanks, dr


Active Member
They feed at night. Add a little food to the tank and wait for the feeding polyps to come out. Then feed.


Mine has actually started anticapating my feedings early evening and will extend all his polyps and open his mouths. Guess I've got a smart brain.


Lets discuss polyps & mouths... :D The 'polyps' I've seen look like a smaller version of a bubble coral's tentacles and they were sort of all in a row...is this the brain's polyps? As for mouths...where? I'm not seeing any mouths! Am I looking for something that looks like a ricordia's mouth or a anemone's mouth?


Active Member
In the middle you can see an opening. Look at my brain. See the slot? That's his mouth. I have to turn off my water movement and make sure my hermits, shrimps and stars are all busy eating before I attempt to feed my brain.


OMG!!!! I have NEVER seen mine do that! I've seen the little polyps appear around the ******** rim, but I've never seen it open ANYTHING like yours does. What do you feed yours? I tried a mixture of brine shrimp & cyclowhateveritis tonight, but I saw nothing happen.


Active Member
Big hunks of market shrimp and frozen formula1 from ocean nutrition. He also puts his feeders out at night and take in reef snow.


I am not trying to highjack the thread but I have a question....I am having the worst luck with Brains.....
The first can to me thru shipping in poor health and ultimately I lost it. So I purchased a red brain from this site and it was doing very well until my damn tomato clown starting hosting in it. I moved it and everything and she just followed it around. I think it is dying as well because I see some of the skeleton showing but could that be from just the stress of the clown? Can I possible save it? It still has the red and green membrane? I have not seen the feeders for a couple of days! Any ideas? I thought about using a plastic bottle and cutting in in half and poke a lot of holes in the plastic and cover her up to keep the clown out of it....think it would work? I will try to post a pic if possible. Any suggestions would be great!!! :mad:


Yipeeeeee!!!! My brain ate tonight! I offered a slice of scallop...waving the piece of scallop around until I saw the polyps appear, then put the scallop up to the polyps. The brain still had other polyps exposed so I offered those a piece of scallop. The brain ate both pieces of scallop...my brain has two mouths. What a cool show!
Thank you, thank you WAX32 for the advice and the pictures! The pictures were worth a thousand words. It was a slow process, but I think my brain was weak from lack of real food.