I know this is SW but take a look


I know this is a saltwater forumn but I have to show a picture of my new additions
here they are. The are long fin oscars and are gorgeous!!!! ! whatcha think??



Active Member
I don't think I have ever seen a longfin oscar. Very beautiful. Are they the same to take care of?


yeah the same as regular oscars but much more costly!!! I got these 2 cheap but I have only seen 2 others for sale locally and I bought both of those and lost them to an ich battle a few months ago. the 2 baby oscars were 35$ a piece .
I love em though and when I saw them I had to have them!!!


very rare find there!!! i did fw for almost 10 years am i saw long fine 1 time and cost was 350 for the pair, so i got a gar and large shovel nose:)
btw very sweet fish


yeah I missed the one in Memphis at a store she was diping it out of there tank sold it for 13.99
I about freaked out and wished I was there a few mintues earlier!!!!


i have a regular oscar that i think is as ugly as the devil
thats why im getting rid of him and getting a marine tank


how big are they? I have 2 regular oscars that are about 8 inches long. yours are beautiful.


they are about 6 inches right now.
I have both marine and FW tanks.
they are in a 100 gallon tank with tinfoil barbs, silver dollars, and a couple of african chiclids.
But I also have a 40 gallon brackish and 58 breeder that will be my reef and looking for another 100 gallon for an aggressive saltwater FO tank.


Active Member
I'd love to see a freshwater forum on here. Lots of us keep FW tanks too (I have two myself) and I'd be great to tap into some of that knowledge out there!
... of course this is a saltwater commerce site, but still...


omg omg omg omg omg those are the most beautiful freshwater fish i ever seen :scared: ***)


Active Member
they are sweet oscars,,never seen them like that before, i used to have a oscar, he was so cool,,we would catch grass hoppers and hold them above the water and the oscar would jump up and get it,,,but one morning i woke up and all the water was in the floor, and my oscar died,,,i was so so sad,,,thanks for sharing the pictures, it is totallly awesome,,,have a great night.


Active Member
those are really cool... i got a 2.5" oscar 5months ago and hes up to about 7" now (i think never really measured)... thanks for posting some fresh water... ive been wanting to go the same for a long time but thought i would get flamed... i have 2 55gal (1 aggressive and 1 tropical), a 10 gal for ramdom things, and a 10gal breeder for guppies...