I like you and your opinions, give um to me!


New Member
I know choosing fish is totally personal perference, but I'd love some new opinions! I would like to know if it would be wise to add a yellow tang and a flame angle to my system down the road (not @ the same time of course). If it's O.K., which first? I have been very careful about adding my fish (I only have 3), and keeping the water quality perfect, so now what to add next?!
Here's my system info: 55gal, set up for 2yrs, 20lbs. LR, 50lbs CC, Prizm Protien Skimmer, caniser filter, bio-filter, power head, 1 clown fish, 1 puffer fish, and 1 damsel.


I disagree, a Flame Angel is a fish the will VERY quickly establish its territory and pick on other fish. I've been told by some very very experienced people that a Flame Angel is always the very last fish you introduce. Oh well, thats just one man's opinion....I would suggest to make that a specific thread and get a poll....a second, third, forth, opinion is always a plus.


I have a Flame Angel and recently added a Sailfin Tang, and the flame chased him a little but soon lost interest, now they both go grazing.


First of all a flame angel IS territorial and is best added last. But more important is the fact that IMO a 55 is too small for a tang and I noticed you also have a puffer in your tank. Again IMO, a 55 is way too small for a puffer also. :cool:


New Member
Cool guys thanx! My puffer is a 2 inch false eye puffer which has a very peaceful disposition. I'm going to post a subject on Flame Angles and Yellow Tangs and which to add first! Thanx again!