I lost 3 fish overnight - why??


Wow I am in shock! I cleaned my tank, did a partial water change at noon. I left for the weekend and the next morning someone came into feed at 7am and 2 tangs and my butterfly were dead. :confused: My clowns and 2 coral banded shrimp are fine. What could have happened?? Water had cured for 5-7 days, my readings are Amonia and nitrates 0, PH is 8.3, salinity dropped from 1.022 to 1.020 (but I think that should be ok??), temp 78. I don't think there was a power failure. I did use a new celo sponge to wipe the glass. Rinsed it, first, but did not soak. Also, I am having a brown algae bloom at the moment and I put a big shell in a bleach solution to clean it. I rinsed it after with decholorniator. Is it possible the sponge had chemicals in or or the bleach stayed in the shell?? I am so devistated and really need to understand what I did wrong so I don't repeat it. Why the tangs and not the clowns?? Any insight appreciated, thanks!


Active Member
FWIW id ont think it was bleach poisining because inverts are more sensitive than fish and I think they would have been the first to go.


Active Member
maybe from stress? i personally wanted a yellow tang and a butterfly in my 55 but i knew it was too small for them. They both need ample swimming room.
im not sure, its just a theory

bang guy


Originally posted by eden
Is it possible the sponge had chemicals in

Absolutely! Most commercial cellulose sponges have an anti-bacterial additive.