I lost everything in my 150


Active Member
Their is already talk of a Class Action Lawsuit in this area since there are records involving the IL Emergancy Management Agency calling Comed and them admitting to them also that they felt Chicago was more important than the town that provides 80% of the workforce to the local Nuclear Plant. BTW this company also redused it number of Line Crews so they could raise thir profits at the same time raising our rates 70%


Active Member
Well last night tore down my 150 I am currently soaking the LR in Fresh Water to kill anything on it since it will be 2 months BEFORE I set my tank back up again. Called I am moving and this way the tank will be easier to move with it torn down. When I do set it back up will be another FOWLR and I am thinking of my new stock list. The showpices again will be a Emporer and Koran Angels and I am thinking A Blue Hippo, Yellow Sailfin and Purple tang along with niger and Huma triggers. All fish will be small when introduced also maybe a Harliquin tusk and maybe a Lion Fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
I didn't go over the whole thing; but I suspect the power co has an out with this or another , similar paragraph. I can't imagine utility companies being liable for consequential damage beyond their control.
"The Illinois Commerce Commission
may grant a waiver of the obligation to pay actual damages and reimbursement for emergency and contingency expenses for a power
interruption described in Section 16-125(e) in instances in which ComEd can show that the interruption was the result of one or more
of the following causes: (1) unpreventable damage due to weather events or conditions; (2) customer tampering; (3) unpreventable
damage due to civil or international unrest or animals; (4) damage to ComEd equipment or other actions by a party other than
ComEd, its employees, agents, or contractors. In addition, ComEd is not liable for claims for replacement value of goods damaged as"
Trouble is they IGNORED all reports of the outage HERE in my town and area for 11 hours that right there is NEGLIGANCE on their part and makes them liable I got this tidbit from 3 lawyers and all of them are defense attys.


Active Member
ouch..sorry about your loss! i would atleast talk to the person in charge of the whole thing and make them feel bad.. but i'm mean that way.
sorry again


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
But what is in my favor is 1 they told me that all crews were pulled to Chicago to work there and I have that part on tape. 2 the local Police and then the Illinois also told them at 11 am Tuesday that the substation was out. 3 I also have them on tape saying that we will replace ANY LIVESTOCK in your tank you lost also.
It would be nice, but I doubt it even with their employee saying something like that.


Originally Posted by RCreations
Very sorry for your loss. But I think everyone with a big tank and investment should have a gas generator able to power the entire tank, minus the lights. A generator like that will run you around $500 but it's worth it.
sorry you lost your fish.
We have a 1000watt generator. Power off one time for week and half storm bad winds. Told us force of nature and they arent obligated to have power back on by specific time. I called every day!


New Member
Sorry for your expensive lesson but IMO it's not the power company's fault you didn't have a back-up. I have a 29 gallon tank and I have a generator and gas.
You can get a generator for $10 a month at Home Depot.


That sucks! I was concerned that my power was going to go out with the same storm. It didn't, but it did one day and I almost went crazy after 4 hours. I'm sorry about your lost!


Active Member

Originally Posted by jellyman1213
Unfortunately your tank is not any different then the items in your refrigerator. You can put a rider onto your homeowners insurance to cover such situations but the electric company is not held responsible for loss of perishables. Also, they cannot physically get power back to everyone at the same time and have to start and finish somewhere. If they put your power on first it would just mean someone else had their power restored 54 hours later. I was without power about 5 years ago for 10 hours and it sucked
. I bought a generator to power my pumps and heaters and used it the beginning of this summer.

10 hours?!?!?!?!?!? i live in the cities and our power lines are still above ground (which is stupid because they are always causing problems cuz we have tons of big trees all throughout them for our whole neighborhood, when we get a bad storm or lighting hits a tree or a tree falls down on them we dont have power for 3 days.....
We just had one of those storms like a month ago. I didnt have very much in my tanks at the time. But when we lose power cuz a tree fell we dont have power for like 3 days... so 10 hours is nothing... we dont have it for like 72 hours. And it is soooooooo boring... no tv no comp no lights (dark is a lot faster unless u light TONS of candles but then it still isnt that bright, i sit there worrying about my tanks and if everything will be ok.
That reminds me i need a generator now that my 125 is getting stocked with coral and soon more fish hopefully..
I dont get why they dont just spend the money and put the powerlines underground instead of having them in like a forest of trees that are big. It would end up costing less in the long run i would think....
Anyways i cant imagine what people would be like without power for a week or longer.
Im done ranting.. i hate power outages.. lol
and sorry for your loss and i hope you get your money back. If i were you and i got the money back i would use part of it for buying a generator so that wont happen again. Then with the rest you can start buying some of your fish back.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl

10 hours?!?!?!?!?!? i live in the cities and our power lines are still above ground (which is stupid because they are always causing problems cuz we have tons of big trees all throughout them for our whole neighborhood, when we get a bad storm or lighting hits a tree or a tree falls down on them we dont have power for 3 days.....
We just had one of those storms like a month ago. I didnt have very much in my tanks at the time. But when we lose power cuz a tree fell we dont have power for like 3 days... so 10 hours is nothing... we dont have it for like 72 hours. And it is soooooooo boring... no tv no comp no lights (dark is a lot faster unless u light TONS of candles but then it still isnt that bright, i sit there worrying about my tanks and if everything will be ok.
That reminds me i need a generator now that my 125 is getting stocked with coral and soon more fish hopefully..
I dont get why they dont just spend the money and put the powerlines underground instead of having them in like a forest of trees that are big. It would end up costing less in the long run i would think....
Anyways i cant imagine what people would be like without power for a week or longer.
Im done ranting.. i hate power outages.. lol
and sorry for your loss and i hope you get your money back. If i were you and i got the money back i would use part of it for buying a generator so that wont happen again. Then with the rest you can start buying some of your fish back.
I thought that was funny too, remembering a 10 hr power outage 5 years ago.


Active Member
The Illinois Commerce Commision has received reports from my town and the States own Emergancy Management Center since my town is close to a pair of 200 MW PWR's and we supply 20% of Chicagos power on their own. The ICC was not happy with Comed according to our police. Think about it my town LOST ALL POWER with that we lost the Sirens that go off when there is a Major Probelm with the reactor plus the ablility to alert my town if there was something wrong. This storm destroyed another small town not 20 miles away from us with tornados do you think we could have used power if one of those had hit the plant. Yet whenever a major storm hits we are always the LAST as a town to get power back. As to buying a gen for my tanks considering that I have had one power failure in 3 years with my tank that 500 bucks for one could be better used to pay bills or help me restock.


Active Member
Well the option is for you to buy a generator or try to sue the electricity company every time you lose your stock. The smart choice is to have a generator and then you DON'T lose your fish/corals. The odds of having your money back after a poweroutage is slim to none. Then again, it's your tank, your money


Active Member
The City atty is getting together everyone that lost stuff with this one since he has Com Ed on the record for ignoring all reports from this town and also sending all crews to Chicago. He is getting ready to file criminal charges against Com Ed and also against their Emergancy Dispatch center for endangering the public. Since we had no warning systems of anykind during the loss and we are downwind of ANY FALLOUT he thinks he has a case.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
The City atty is getting together everyone that lost stuff with this one since he has Com Ed on the record for ignoring all reports from this town and also sending all crews to Chicago. He is getting ready to file criminal charges against Com Ed and also against their Emergancy Dispatch center for endangering the public. Since we had no warning systems of anykind during the loss and we are downwind of ANY FALLOUT he thinks he has a case.
It would be interesting, keep us posted.


Active Member
Good luck man! 2yrs ago we had a huge outage during the winter. We lived outside of town and did not have power for 5.5 days... yeah. Luckily we had gas heat fireplace - just couldn't run the fans. Didn't have a tank at that time though - don't know what I would've done. Now I'm in town - no outages yet.


Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
I just got thru burying EVERY fish that was in my 150 gallon tank. Tuesday morning my local substation took a DIRECT HIT from a bolt of lightning. I called the local power company and they reported it however I found out that they IGNORED ALL REPORTS FROM SOUTH OF I-80 TILL AFTER 5 PM that day so they could put all their crews into Chicago to get them repowered first. I had a UPS good for 30 hours to run my airpumps and one filter and one powerhead. However it took 54 hours to get power back.
My losses are all sigle fish of that type excpet for 2 scooter blenneys and a mated pair of false percula clowns. Here is a rundown of what died a 10 inch Emporer angel a 6 inch ADULT Koran angel. 8 inch Blue hippo tang aka Timex he had survived everything until this. 6 inch Yellow tang a 5 inch porc puffer 6 inch Luare wrasse my 24 inch SFE 8 inch Niger Trig and a 5 inch Huma Huma. My local power company is going to hate me when I am done with them with my damage claim I am estimating I am out over 2K in LR and Ls and fish and other things.
wow !!!!!!!!!! your tellin me you dont have a extra 40$$!!!!!!!!! (plug in car converter 12 volts to 120 voltz) man are you


Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
wow !!!!!!!!!! your tellin me you dont have a extra 40$$!!!!!!!!! (plug in car converter 12 volts to 120 voltz) man are you

Another truly thought provoking post from Slack...
Sorry for your losses man. Good luck with the power company.


Originally Posted by DragonZim
Another truly thought provoking post from Slack...
Sorry for your losses man. Good luck with the power company.
what the truth????????? i said i was also sorry ,i do feel for the guy , but!!!!!!!! a couple of grand in fish,rocks! over 40 $$$
act of nature i would be surprised!!! all those in new orleans would have a case against someone for the badd levys!!!!!!!!!!!or the people in the wis dells who lost there lake ?who they gonna sue?????????kind of like suein for hail damage or a tornado. i told him i would have gave him a fish did any of you?????????


Not cheap by any means but the honda inverter series generators are awesome. I have 2 x2000i in parallel for the camper but a single 1000i would be fine. They are super quiet and very light.


Originally Posted by jshepherd
Not cheap by any means but the honda inverter series generators are awesome. I have 2 x2000i in parallel for the camper but a single 1000i would be fine. They are super quiet and very light.
no im talkin about a converter that plugs in a cigarette lighter that converts 12 v to 120 v !!!! like 40 $$$ is better than nothin.