i lost my first fish....


as the title says....i lost one of my beloved false percs :( i'm guessing sometime between me feeding them and putting the cover back on he committed suicide and jumped out of the tank....
should i replace him (tweedle dum) with another fish? his buddy tweedle dee looks kinda lonely in there. i've only had the fish for 2 weeks now so i don't know if they got attached to eachother or not


you should try covering up all the holes with something. I had a freshwater lobster once, the whole top was covered in duck tape.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about the suicide.........it happens sometimes.
I would be somewhat careful about adding another clown to the tank. You may run into some problems with the old clown picking on the new clown or vice versa. Hopefully everything works out.



Originally posted by sting_ray29
you should try covering up all the holes with something. I had a freshwater lobster once, the whole top was covered in duck tape.

actually the main openings on my tank are all covered and i have a canopy so i'm still wondering how he heck he got out. there is a small 2" dia hole where the power cords for my powerheads go through on that side. i'm not sure if he went through there...

sinner's girl

sorry for your lose, it never gets easier. I just lost my male perc, and don't know yet why.
since they have only been in the tank for two weeks there shouldn't be as much of a problem adding another clown. if you wait a while they may be (but there are ways to make them get along).
I say go get another one if you want, make sure to get one that is the same size. add with lights off, you can rearrange some lr if you think tweedle dee is territoral (will help lessen the chance of tweedle dee picking on the new fish).