I Love My Aquamend!!!!!


Active Member
So I saw a video on youtube about using aquamend to attach frags to your rock or structures. I thought the guy just made it up and did not realize that other reefers use it to.
So I headed into the local Home Depot, found a $3 tube of it and it worked so well. I kneeded it, made a ball, and attached the frag in the tank on the rock with no problem!
Great product!


Active Member
there''s another product called aquastik that actually comes in both grey and coralline colors. works great as well.


Active Member
I mend it into my hands and then use it directly in the tank. The only downfall is that it is white until something covers it. Works really well!!!!


Active Member
Its actually covered in corraline already and its been a little under a week so its not too bad. You just have to make sure you hold it in place for a couple seconds.


I've been using it, the colored stuff and superglue gel with less than good results. The epoxy putties (aquamend, etc.) have no adhesiveness, meaning they don't stick to anything. I find the only way to use it is to wedge it in a crevice, crack or crooked hole, so that when it hardens, it will be stuck in the crevice due to inflexibility. Otherwise, it just falls off the rock. Driving me nuts!
As to the superglue gel, sometimes it takes and sometimes it doesn't.
I'm getting frustrated. Any hints and tips would be appreciated.


I just bought the aquamend....are you saying it didn't work for you? Or do you mean the aquastik didn't work?


I tried both. The aquastick is the colored stuff and hardens MUCH faster than Aquamend, which is white. They were both "non-adhesive", meaning they did not act like epoxy, but like Play-Doh (which hardens and turns to stone after it's left out for a while).


Well that doesn't give me anything to look forward to...I have new stuff coming tomorrow...I hope it works for me...I'll just have to wait and see


Active Member
i've been having trouble with the underwater epoxies grabbing onto frag disks. both aquastick and marineland's.
here's what i did :)
i superglued some CC to the bottom of the frag disk, to roughen it up some. then smooshed it into the epoxy. works great, cause the epoxy has something to grab onto.


That's a great idea, although I wonder about this whole "smooshing" thing. Ain't "smooshing" (not "smushing") something men and women do in the privacy of their bedrooms?
and yes, I bought some more Aquamend from HD today. (shame on me)


So far the aquamend seems to be working on the frogspawn...but you have a base to work with...I got an umbrella mushroom with a very Small Pebble attached...was very careful to get the stuff only on the "pebble" well this morning the "pebble" was still in the epoxy, the mushroom was not...apparently it seperated itself...
So this morning I found the mushroom and put it in an indent in the rock...who knows if it will still be there when I get home from work.


Active Member
grab some wedding mesh and rubber band it on either side and over the rock you're trying to get a mushroom to attach to.


Originally Posted by renogaw
grab some wedding mesh and rubber band it on either side and over the rock you're trying to get a mushroom to attach to.
I have some of that too..in black...How long do you think it will take for it to latch on to a rock??


Active Member
couple days. if you can, place the rock in some low flow area, but by squishing it to the rock and holding it in place, it gives a better chance.
on a side note... black wedding mesh?!


Originally Posted by renogaw
couple days. if you can, place the rock in some low flow area, but by squishing it to the rock and holding it in place, it gives a better chance.
on a side note... black wedding mesh?!
LOL...I don't think it was called wedding mesh in the store...but it's the same thing...LOL...