I love my new wave maker thing!!


Active Member
I just replaced my nozzel with a wave maker one. I love it!! My clown fish stayed more to the back of the tank. With the new nozzle he swims all over the place. My water is clearer too. With the other one the water would hit the front of the tank, and push the sand in that corner around. Sand was always floating around a little bit. But with my new one it doesn't do that!! :jumping: My water is crystal clear now. Well it was before , just had sand particles floating around in crystal clear water. and now I don't


is it the hydor flo? I got one of those before I even setup the tank, never used the nozzle it came with, I love how it works. I've heard some people say it reduces flo, but I think it just has such a bigger outlet that the water is less pressurized so makes less of a forceful exit than it would from the stock nozzle.


Active Member
Here is a pic of my tank, no sand floating around. :joy:

The other pics. were taken after a water change and the sand was stirred up a litte, but it's a pic of the new nozzle thing.
This is in the down position as it blows on the corals

This is as it's comming to the surface.

This is it hitting the surface,making waves.


Active Member
how come you dont keep your heating inside where the filter is? makes it look more natural. well your tank looks good.


Active Member
I didn't at first because all the chambers were full and I was new and didn't know I could remove some of the stuff. I have a bag of carbon and a bag of purigen in the 1st compartment and my protien skimmer in the 2nd. My third and 4th compartments don't fill up enough to put it in there. I guess I can put the hearter in the 1st and the bags in the third. That would work!! :jumping:
Thanks for the input!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by gregzbobo
is it the hydor flo? I got one of those before I even setup the tank, never used the nozzle it came with, I love how it works. I've heard some people say it reduces flo, but I think it just has such a bigger outlet that the water is less pressurized so makes less of a forceful exit than it would from the stock nozzle.
Anything that you put on teh end of a PH will reduce flow. It may not be dramatic, but it will reduce some.


Does anyone know if the Hydor Flo fit on a 12 gallon Aquapod without any mod as the tank is up and running. And I notices they rotate 360 degrees. This doesnt cause an issue with it blowing water onto the hood?


Active Member
It came with 5 different adapters so I'm pretty sure it would fit. I was nervous about splashing on my hood too, but haven't noticed a difference. I also thought it would mess up my feeding. My clown doesn't like to dive for food. He likes it floating on the top and it works fine. It not a huge wave, it's a nice ripple wave.


If it doesnt fit you can always use a little teflon tape. Mine keep blowing off after awhile so I used the tape slid it back on & havent had any problems since.