I love my pistol shrimp


Active Member
He/she is so funny. It "pops" like a dog barking whenever somone gets too close to it's home.
I'm working on a paper at my desk and I kept hearing it "pop" this afternoon. Finally I'm like "What the heck are you mad at?" so I scoot over to the tank. Sure enough.. one of my cucumbers was heading right down into it's burrow!
Too funny...


Active Member
Funny story. I've been thinking of getting one. Does it bother anything else in your tank? How loud is the snap? Is it annoying?


Active Member
Mine doesn't bother anything... in fact I recently learned I have a second one.. neither has ever harmed anything. Some people have problems with them though. I spot feed one of mine (I have no idea where the other one lives).
The snap isn't annoying. It is noticeable though. It doesn't happen that often. Like I said... usually when it is warning something away from it's burrow.
Interesting animal. I hope to get a Goby to pair with it.


Is it in your bedroom? If so is it loud enough to wake you up in the middle of the night?


J-ive Been Wondering About Getting One Myself-wasnt Sure I Could Deal With The Snapping Sounds.
I Have A Yellow Watchman Goby Now And He Is One Of The Gobies That Will Pair With The Pistol.
Right Now, He Actually Shares His Space With The Serpent Star, Which Seems Weird To Me-he Even Is Under His Arm Sometimes! But Maybe They Just Dont Like To Be Alone?!
Does Your Pistol Bother Any Of The Other Tank Inhabitants At All?
Do You Know If They Are Ok With Cleaners And Peppermints Which I Have Several Of?


Active Member
mine drives me nuts!!!!
it is a cool shrimp but it digs tunnels all over the place!! i am thinking of moving it over to the 180 so that it has "too" mush territory to cover!!


Originally Posted by Granny
Do You Know If They Are Ok With Cleaners And Peppermints Which I Have Several Of?
I think they are.


Active Member
I can only speak for myself...
My tank is in my office...
The "popping" noise is audible. Over the two fans I have going in my office, but my tank is 3 feet from my desk.
How loud is it? Ok.. here's my own homemade experiment... take a nickel, and hold it edge wise 1/2 inch over a wooden desk. Drop it and let the end hit once. That is about the same volume... except it's a popping noise. Almost like a snap..


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
mine drives me nuts!!!!
it is a cool shrimp but it digs tunnels all over the place!! i am thinking of moving it over to the 180 so that it has "too" mush territory to cover!!

That surprises me. The one whose burrow I have located hasn't moved in the 6 months or so I've had it. It has chosen one rock right up front (lucky me) to live under.
It has a serious burrow though... I would never get one if your rock work wasn't firmly set on the bottom of your tank.