I Love Shrimp


Active Member
ok, everyone i am confessing that i love shrimp. well, i started out with a coral banded shrimp first then added a cleaner shrimp and they got along just fine(so happy they did). my question is that can i still add a fire shrimp which i really want to add? and tell me some other shrimp i could add


I have gold coral banded, cleaner, fire, and 2 peppermint. Added them all at the same time. I was told that is unusual that they would all get along, but I haven't seen any problems. I like them also and would like to add more in the future.


shrimps are a pain....its so hard to spot feed your corals if you have shrimp in your tank. One shrimp in my tank is more then enough.



Originally posted by Legend
shrimps are a pain....its so hard to spot feed your corals if you have shrimp in your tank.

I can't disagree with that anymore. I just wanna $%*)&% my cleaner shrimp when I spot feed my corals. He just takes the food right out from the corals' mouth even the food is already half way down.
You can consider some sexy shrimps as well. Very interesting to watch and they tend to stay in the open. However, they would not be a good fit if you have shrimp eating fish.


Active Member
I now have, a cbs, cleaner shrimp and a fire shrimp their awesome! hey where can I get a sexy shrimp, i want them but cant find them anywhere?:help:


Sexy shrimp are usually available only in spring/summer time.
Wednesday my LFS is getting me 3 sexies for $5 each:D
CBS usually won't tolerate other shrimp near their territory, I'm glad yours is a peaceful one. I'm too affraid to try one...I'm like you, I love my shrimp too much:)


Active Member
I now have a cbs, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, and a camal shrimp. soon im going to get a pistol shrimp to pair up with my watchman goby anyone know about pistols?


I have 5 peppermint and one cleaner. The peppermint can be kind of snappy towards the cleaner when it is feeding time, but I'm always sure the cleaner gets enough food. They are so fun to watch!


Active Member
Trading my camelback shrimp in for a cleaner shrimp. Good move or not?
My camelback is eating my xenia and causing problems with my tomato clown. He has turned really mean all of the sudden.
Debbie :cheer:


Active Member
Do You think I could add a pistol shrimp for my yellow watchman goby, with the shrimp I already have: cbs, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, and a camal shrimp?


Active Member
Boy so many of you hate camelback shrimp. I was suppose to get rid of mine but the LFS seems to have backed out. Oh well that is okay.
The critter must have heard me talking about getting rid of it. I moved my xenia down from where it was and the shrimp does not bother it at all. Maybe I hurt his feeings.....

That's okay, I quite like the colors and the funny things my shrimp does. He does not bother any of my mushroom and not even my new hairy mushroom. He is so busy chasing pods in the tank I don't think he has time to be a pest.
So I guess he stays for the time being till he really ticks me off.