I love the little "Worm"


New Member
So im looking at getting a Red Anglerfish (frogfish). I was wondering if anyone has any tips on feeding or anything else that could help me out. I am really excited about this awesome creature. Thank you.


New Member
How big is the little guy? I saw one at my SaltWater Fish store yesterday and he was a little short of a inch and guess whattt..... he cost 125 dollers lol, he was cute though and i wanted him but i dont got my 100 set up yet and plus he would so get lost in that big tank. HA.


New Member
Hahah I know, its about 3/4 of an inch right now and I saw it feed on some ghost shrimp and I am hooked. It is awesome. Then I saw that it was $109 and I backed off a little. But I really do like it so I think I might just get one. Im excited, itll be sweet in a 14 gal. Nano cuz ill be able to see it. I would lose it in my 75 and never see it again. Its a really cool fish though.


Active Member
First thing you need to do it find out the exact species. There are several species of Frogfish that could be/will be red.
Depending on the species, that 14 gal tank will not be big enough...and, if you plan to house it in the 75gal, it needs to be the only fish in the tank (which will kinda suck).
They're species only fish and will eat anything in the tank...even fish that are larger then themselves. Whatever they don't eat, will pick on them, to death.


New Member
I believe that it is a Lembeh Frogfish and its max size is about 3" I believe so it should be ok in the 14 gal. Haha yeah it would suck in the 75 though cuz i dont think that I would ever ever see it. Especially at the size it is now.