I LOVE the new water change feature on the CSS125!!! :(


Active Member
Mine has done this 3 times....but it really didnt overflow much. It filled the colection cup all the way and dribbled some out. I think the 3times total it might have dumbed a 1/2-1cup of water out. I cant figure for the life of me why it does it either. I am probably gonna tap a hole half way up the collection cup and run a hose to a 2.5gal jug for safety measures so it doesnt go on the floor again. Other then it doing that it skims really good.
Ohh and I skim super dry. I keep my microbubbles below the collection cup as well.
OHhh and I give mine a good cleaning over the entire unit. taking the pump apart and cleaning the insides and all the tubing as well every 2weeks or so


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
I'll make the change which requires me ripping out one baffle. Which means no fuge
b/c it's a 10g. Now I need to figure a way to house some chaeto in there with my skimmer?

just stuff it all around the skimmer but make sure it cant block the pick up or get spooled into the powerheads impeller.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
just stuff it all around the skimmer but make sure it cant block the pick up or get spooled into the powerheads impeller.
This is what I'm worried about. I'll give it a shot I guess.


I have mine hanging out the sump but I also drilled the venturi to help aid against getting clogged. if I see any issues I might just switch over to a tunze unit which is just as effective and small enough to fit in my 10g in my 1st chamber and not sacrifice my fuge section... you may also want to consider this...
here is a pic to show what I currently have..middle chamber houses a ball of chaeto which grows out very quick now after it became established.


Active Member
I can hang my skimmer on my single baffle perfectly. It reduces my fuge (middle section) a lot but I'm just going to have some rubble and chaeto. My intake and return from the skimmer will be in the first section. I think it will work and if it overflows, it's back in the tank and not on the floor.


Active Member
these skimmers should only be used in sump and DO NOT use the remote port although if your anal you can prevent it from happening. I once fell asleep on the sofa and had it set up using a remote reservoir (2L cola bottle) when I woke up water was rolling under my dining room table. My hardwood floor has never been the same. From that point on its strictly collection cup use. If it overflows now it just dumps back into the sump. Now the ONLY time this happens is if the airline port on the strainer that attaches to the pump clogs with salt. I find this takes anywhere from 2-4wks to happen so if you dont want it to overflow simply remove this from the pump and use a toothpick or whatever to clear it of salt at least weekly. I actually take a dremel to mine to clean it out and have bored the hole a little bigger which helps it not clog so easily. I've heard the bubble diffuser can make it overflow too but I didn't use it for in sump use at first and now the bottom of it so far out the water it has no chance to cause backpressure (I use it just to silence spashing noise not to difuse bubbles).
I tossed all my skimmers out and went to lowe's. It cost me $35 to biuld the one I have now and it makes great "soup" and never has overflowed!!!!! I get great slug off mine that will pour out but not watery. It never clogs up and will ajust to the water level in the tank as you clean and fill!!! Maybe I need a patent for it !!!! My old one never would stay ajusted right. One day I would come in and the bubbles where so low it would never spit out skim and the next day it would have a bucket full of water. The ajustment valve is VERY sinsitive....VERY!


Maybe u should show us ur design with a list of all parts needed.... just for conversation purposes. :)


Some Coralife skimmers are notorious for doing overflowing and microbubbles. There are some sites dedicated to fixes with this. There are different modifications you can do. Perhaps you can also put it in your refugium?


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Perhaps I missed it, but how is it overflowing? It can't just suddenly decide to malfuntion on its own.
have not finished reading the whole thread but this post caught my eye
it does magically just decide to do this. happened to me again yesterday. one day no issues been pulling nasty green/brown junk out for 2 weeks then pow fills the collection cup up and flows out the little hole on top of the cup emptied about a gallon of water before i caught it.
had mine running for over a year now and although i like it ive had problems with the overflows. a definate skimmer that should be in sump only.


Originally Posted by Pallan
a definate skimmer that should be in sump only.
Exactly. I just moved one of mine into the sump today. I've had one soaking wet carpet too many! :mad:


Originally Posted by pokey
Exactly. I just moved one of mine into the sump today. I've had one soaking wet carpet too many! :mad:
I wish i could move mine in sump but my sump is to small. definatly on my to do list. and i probably should move it up the list to sooner than later.


Originally Posted by Pallan
I wish i could move mine in sump but my sump is to small. definatly on my to do list. and i probably should move it up the list to sooner than later.
My buddy and I devised a plan to overcome this and yesterday put it into action. I have a 95G reef with an in-cabinet sump and refugium. There was not enough space to put the skimmer in the sump. We ended up removing the refugium and putting it outside the tank on a separate stand. We made a "second sump" I guess you could call it, put the skimmer, UV pump and heaters in there- basically as an equipment sump. The fuge is outside and now I need to buy legs for its lights to go on top (instead of using a cut-to-fit eggcrate, which I had underneath on top of the numerous cords). So essentially I added even more volume to my tank and now have an outside fuge. Not for everybody but worked for me and looks pretty sweet not to mention, no more skimmer floods!