I Made a Stupid Mistake... :(


New Member
I thought I needed more flow in the water so I went to ***** and purchased a 2nd power head.. i got the ***** brand.. it is big and ugly, and not to mention.. the suction cups on it suck.. (No Pun) one of the top cups let go and this thing aimed down in fired into the sand..Now all my rock and Frags are covered in sand..
Lets just say, it is going back to the store when I get home from work..
(Also my Lawn Mower Blenny just passed the otherday, R.I.P. Little Toro
I want to bring in a sample of water to my LFS and have them test my water.. I want to make sure that all is fine.. ( I need to buy a Better test kit other then these useless strips..)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ItsMike http:///forum/thread/384202/i-made-a-stupid-mistake#post_3364965
I thought I needed more flow in the water so I went to ***** and purchased a 2nd power head.. i got the ***** brand.. it is big and ugly, and not to mention.. the suction cups on it suck.. (No Pun) one of the top cups let go and this thing aimed down in fired into the sand..Now all my rock and Frags are covered in sand..
Lets just say, it is going back to the store when I get home from work..
(Also my Lawn Mower Blenny just passed the otherday, R.I.P. Little Toro
I want to bring in a sample of water to my LFS and have them test my water.. I want to make sure that all is fine.. ( I need to buy a Better test kit other then these useless strips..)

Sorry about your fish..RIP
Don't blame the ***** brand...all the mag jets do the same thing. The vibration makes the suckion cups release. This why I started using koralia power heads, they have a magnet to keep them in place.
The big pump you bought is fantastic for water changes. Connect a hose..hook it on the tank and in just a few minutes the water from the change bucket is in your tank. It is also good for churning the new saltwater or for curing live rock...anythng you need a utility pump for.


New Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/384202/i-made-a-stupid-mistake#post_3364968

Sorry about your fish..RIP
Don't blame the ***** brand...all the mag jets do the same thing. The vibration makes the suckion cups release. This why I started using koralia power heads, they have a magnet to keep them in place.
The big pump you bought is fantastic for water changes. Connect a hose..hook it on the tank and in just a few minutes the water from the change bucket is in your tank. It is also good for churning the new saltwater or for curing live rock...anythng you need a utility pump for.
Thank you for your condolences. Yes, Poor Little Toro will be missed by all..
That is a great though for that PH.. I will keep it then.. I am due to another water change next month.. Maybe this time it wont take 30 Minutes of Siphoning water...
I am going to my LFS on my way home to pick up a real test kit and See if they have any good PH's...
As for the sand on my Rock and Frags, Short of taking everything out and removing sand that way, any other suggestions?


The same thing happened to me while ago. I did have some extra magnets from a older koralia, so I glued them onto the PH and it has not fallen since. Before fixing, I did wake up with a mini hurricane going through the system. The PH fell all the way down, unknown to me, and created quite a hole to the bottom of glass. It looked like it snowed everywhere. I took a turkey baster and just blasted the sand off the rocks. I thought that was alot easier than removing everything. Since then, my system has been fine.If you can get most of sand off corals and the rock, I would say you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jrod4u http:///forum/thread/384202/i-made-a-stupid-mistake#post_3364980
The same thing happened to me while ago. I did have some extra magnets from a older koralia, so I glued them onto the PH and it has not fallen since. Before fixing, I did wake up with a mini hurricane going through the system. The PH fell all the way down, unknown to me, and created quite a hole to the bottom of glass. It looked like it snowed everywhere. I took a turkey baster and just blasted the sand off the rocks. I thought that was alot easier than removing everything. Since then, my system has been fine.If you can get most of sand off corals and the rock, I would say you should be fine.

LOL..I tried the same thing. It will work for a good while but on day just touching it...and the magnet falls off because silicone won't stick to plastic, which is what used to glue it on..


Staff member
Keeping very low powered power head that can be used to brush off sand, give live rock an occasional sweap, etc., is always a good idea.


New Member
Those are all good tips.. Thanks for the info..
But.. I am going to purchase a new PH and use this behemoth for my water change duty... It is so big it is almost an eyesore in the tank...