I may have already asked this...


Bare with me if I have, sorry. But I am thinking of 20-30lbs of live rock in a 20 gallon with 2 clowns, a star fish, and 10 crabs. Do I NEED any other form of filtration such as chemical or mechanical seeing that I have the bio covered??

bang guy

tbo - please don't take this a a slam, just a disagreement.
It has been posted many many times that those powersweeps normally break down very rapidly. It's a great thought but we need a better vendor.
I also believe that even a tiny Tang will not do very well in a 20 gallon tank.
Two Percs in a 20 is pretty much maxed in my opinion.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
It has been posted many many times that those powersweeps normally break down very rapidly.

I can vouch for that fact as well. We tried one of those sweeping powerheads and the sweeping motion broke down within a couple months. It still works fine as a single direction powerhead, but I won't ever buy another. Just my experience...
Originally posted by Bang Guy

I also believe that even a tiny Tang will not do very well in a 20 gallon tank. Two Percs in a 20 is pretty much maxed in my opinion.

I agree.


Going with Bang on this one as well, power sweeps fail to maintain over long periods of time and there is no way a tang would live very long in a 20 gallon. Again just a disagreement in opinion.


Active Member
Another thumbs down on the powersweeps. They reqiure weekly maintenance to function properly and are too big and bulky for the amount of water flow they provide. I have two sitting in a box in the shed - minus a few parts. If you are getting clowns stick with the smaller ones (Maroons are too big) false percs or percs. Tang would be out of the question.